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Short:Oldschool Amiga Demo Source Codes
Author: noIdea at
Uploader:NOiDEA <noIdea mailbox sk>
Requires:ECS Chipset, 68000 CPU, 1MB CHIP
Download:demo/ecs/ - View contents

This is my very first demo, and I'm afraid it very last one too. :-(
This demo was done only to release some of my old routines.
I never release it, because I was depressed with Amiga's destiny.
But I'm not able to forget, so this is an attempt to close one part of my history.
This demo is dedicated to everyone who can't forget Amiga's Gold age.

It consist of VectorBalls, Filled Vectors, Lighted Vectors, Glenz,
Dot tunnels and Dot Sphere, some nice Plazma,
very speed Bitmap Transformations, deformations,
and one very fast bitmat ZOOM :-) (I hope I've broken some world record :-)),
next Bitmap rotations with processor and copper, rubbered backgrounds
and finally an excelent title scroller (I've never seen similar one before).

Look for NON RECURSIVE QUICK SORT alghoritm ... The very speedest implmentation of quick sort I've ever seen.
Check my bitmat ZOOM and !!!! REAL !!! 12220 point in action on 68000. If it is not WORLD RECORD, than ... :-)

So, have a nice experience with my lame production.



Contents of demo/ecs/
Archive:  /www/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/BitmapRot/
   35318  Defl:X     8298  77%  02-15-03 23:25  5ec29274  Source/BitmapRot/2D_Bitmap_Rot.asm
   13200  Defl:X     1594  88%  01-28-80 22:21  c13a06bf  Source/BitmapRot/Amiga.raw
   60410  Defl:X    44895  26%  01-28-80 22:21  26849440  Source/BitmapRot/bmRot.TP3
     160  Defl:X       31  81%  01-28-80 22:21  579513a7  Source/BitmapRot/BRMask.blt
    6720  Defl:X     2930  56%  01-28-80 22:21  3a7a5bf9  Source/BitmapRot/brot.blt
    6600  Defl:X     1974  70%  01-28-80 22:21  074fc75d  Source/BitmapRot/BTxt.BLT
   46080  Defl:X     5989  87%  01-28-80 22:22  c5538b0f  Source/BitmapRot/Face.RGB
    5760  Defl:X     2681  54%  01-28-80 22:22  c5836903  Source/BitmapRot/Font.3PL.BLT
    7840  Defl:X     5068  35%  01-28-80 22:22  a3b3c305  Source/BitmapRot/TheBullShit.blt
    8160  Defl:X     3824  53%  01-28-80 22:22  675f559a  Source/BitmapRot/TopTxt.BLT
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Bobs3D/
   10240  Defl:X     4436  57%  01-28-80 22:21  a78dc1bd  Source/Bobs3D/balls.blt
    8062  Defl:X     6106  24%  01-28-80 22:21  2769d540  Source/Bobs3D/Bobs3D.TP3
     640  Defl:X      202  68%  01-28-80 22:21  34bf5a14  Source/Bobs3D/BSBobs.RAW
   10240  Defl:X      554  95%  01-28-80 22:21  dd643c53  Source/Bobs3D/masks.blt
     118  Defl:X       58  51%  01-28-80 22:21  465f65fe  Source/Bobs3D/MirBlue
   37032  Defl:X     8931  76%  02-15-03 23:26  f8faed20  Source/Bobs3D/VectorBobs.asm
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Intro/
   20480  Defl:X      474  98%  01-22-96 09:58  1104d24d  Source/Intro/Loading.BLT
    1988  Defl:X      729  63%  02-16-03 00:37  11f3411f  Source/Intro/SysLoader.s
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/MAIN/
    6144  Defl:X     1304  79%  10-06-99 08:46  a05a8e5b  Source/MAIN/font12x12x2.raw
    3072  Defl:X      766  75%  10-06-99 08:46  0fca6a05  Source/MAIN/font12x12x2_shadow.raw
   31858  Defl:X     6658  79%  04-17-04 20:06  748b238e  Source/MAIN/MainPart.asm
   35148  Defl:X    21157  40%  01-22-96 09:56  fdcb33c1  Source/MAIN/mod.dragon
   11264  Defl:X     2152  81%  10-06-99 08:46  cbe14c9e  Source/MAIN/pattern1.raw
   11264  Defl:X      478  96%  10-06-99 08:46  4eb6d66a  Source/MAIN/pattern2.raw
   50688  Defl:X     5385  89%  10-06-99 08:46  0f336077  Source/MAIN/TheBullShit.RAW
   12672  Defl:X      600  95%  10-06-99 08:46  0c941e15  Source/MAIN/TheBullShit_Shadow.RAW
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/BitMapDef/
   10795  Defl:X     2151  80%  01-28-80 22:20  af1aae97  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/BitMapDef/BMRotDef.asm
    6076  Defl:X     1176  81%  01-28-80 22:20  856de43f  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/BitMapDef/CAmiga.RAW
   38400  Defl:X     1679  96%  01-28-80 22:21  eb15e1c7  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/BitMapDef/E&A.blt
   30720  Defl:X      159 100%  01-28-80 22:21  d0002fd8  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/BitMapDef/E&A_Window.BLT
    4704  Defl:X     1040  78%  01-28-80 22:21  c36272e6  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/BitMapDef/Elvira.RAW
   38863  Defl:X     7431  81%  02-15-03 23:27  5ed614a2  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/Everithing.s
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/Zoom/
   32000  Defl:X    10729  67%  01-28-80 22:20  901339dd  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/Zoom/Camera.RAW
    3596  Defl:X     1017  72%  01-28-80 22:20  4da2b6f3  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/Zoom/Zoom.AMOS
   22460  Defl:X     4518  80%  01-28-80 22:20  4af757c5  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/Zoom/Zoom.asm
   24450  Defl:X    11209  54%  01-28-80 22:20  76b85bd6  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/Zoom/
   51156  Defl:X    39865  22%  01-28-80 22:20  336bf911  Source/Morph_Hand_Zoom/Zoom/Zoom.TP3
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Plasma/
    1094  Defl:X      122  89%  01-28-80 22:19  85a18838  Source/Plasma/Area.dat
    2168  Defl:X      120  95%  01-28-80 22:19  b334a16e  Source/Plasma/colors.dat
   35331  Defl:X     8932  75%  04-17-04 19:32  ad9452a9  Source/Plasma/Plasma.asm
   39122  Defl:X    27523  30%  01-22-96 10:06  93545355  Source/Plasma/Plasma.TP3
    8192  Defl:X     7901   4%  01-28-80 22:20  ce0b553a  Source/Plasma/sinus.dat
   22190  Defl:X     5627  75%  01-22-96 10:03  433955c4  Source/PTplay.s
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/TheEnd/
      16  Defl:X       18 -13%  01-28-80 22:28  65613be1  Source/TheEnd/Alien1_3.col
   30720  Defl:X    24387  21%  01-28-80 22:28  5b8a3d76  Source/TheEnd/Alien1_3.raw
      16  Defl:X       18 -13%  01-28-80 22:28  54b2bb12  Source/TheEnd/Alien2_3.col
   30720  Defl:X    20011  35%  01-28-80 22:29  0db85ba3  Source/TheEnd/Alien2_3.raw
      16  Defl:X       18 -13%  01-28-80 22:29  93989f08  Source/TheEnd/Balls_3.col
   30720  Defl:X    18903  39%  01-28-80 22:29  6d47b67d  Source/TheEnd/Balls_3.raw
      16  Defl:X       18 -13%  01-28-80 22:29  89e4d152  Source/TheEnd/Coke_3.col
   30720  Defl:X     8516  72%  01-28-80 22:29  ec93c275  Source/TheEnd/Coke_3.raw
    1440  Defl:X      514  64%  01-28-80 22:29  75a0274f  Source/TheEnd/DigFont_16x12x1.RAW
  102532  Defl:X    87836  14%  01-28-80 22:29  9bf35548  Source/TheEnd/FantasyMusic.TP3
   46842  Defl:X    10550  78%  02-15-03 23:29  fdcfa407  Source/TheEnd/TitleScroll.asm
   28087  Defl:X     6798  76%  01-28-80 22:56  1bea8658  Source/TrackerPackerReplayV3.1.S
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/
   34601  Defl:X     8672  75%  02-16-03 00:04  97f421d0  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Dots.asm
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/
   25370  Defl:X     7124  72%  01-28-80 22:28  e6a4c267  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/Sphere6.asm
     710  Defl:X      551  22%  01-28-80 22:28  ae308b9f  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.iff
     180  Defl:X      104  42%  01-28-80 22:28  0586135b  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr1
     180  Defl:X      109  39%  01-28-80 22:28  ef6405f6  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr2
     180  Defl:X       98  46%  01-28-80 22:28  065139d0  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr3
     180  Defl:X       89  51%  01-28-80 22:28  fd861126  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr4
     180  Defl:X       91  49%  01-28-80 22:28  6c0d09cf  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr5
     180  Defl:X       86  52%  01-28-80 22:28  fd700eb4  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr6
     180  Defl:X       64  64%  01-28-80 22:28  2280ebdf  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr7
     180  Defl:X       51  72%  01-28-80 22:28  5799e1fd  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/text.spr8
     571  Defl:X       91  84%  01-28-80 22:28  fab0fd65  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Sphere/textcop.asm
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Tunnel/
    5760  Defl:X     1656  71%  01-28-80 22:28  50a6a276  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Tunnel/
    2880  Defl:X     1163  60%  01-28-80 22:28  86d10c96  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Tunnel/
    4704  Defl:X     1598  66%  01-28-80 22:28  31df36b7  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Tunnel/Tunel.asm
    3602  Defl:X     3288   9%  01-28-80 22:28  507c482b  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Tunnel/
    5410  Defl:X     1679  69%  01-28-80 22:28  c3df332f  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Tunnel/Tunel2.asm
   28928  Defl:X    22036  24%  01-28-80 22:28  c6f47d3c  Source/Tunnel_Sphere/Tunnel/tunnel.TP3
       0  Stored        0   0%  11-23-04 20:38  00000000  Source/Vectors/
   51694  Defl:X    13253  74%  01-28-80 22:27  c5dc69ee  Source/Vectors/Filled_Vectors.asm
   26406  Defl:X     7331  72%  01-28-80 22:27  2a88b0bd  Source/Vectors/GlenzVectors.asm
   25461  Defl:X     7936  69%  01-28-80 22:27  88f5f413  Source/Vectors/Light.asm
     118  Defl:X       58  51%  01-28-80 22:27  465f65fe  Source/Vectors/MirBlue
  106614  Defl:X    24771  77%  04-18-04 13:00  a6bde628  Source/Vectors/Vectors.asm
   92764  Defl:X    76718  17%  01-28-80 22:27  325431bc  Source/Vectors/vectors.TP3
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 1531353           624677  59%                            93 files
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