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** $VER: FTPGet.thor 1.0 (29.5.95)
** by Eirik Nicolai Synnes
** This script will let you select AmiNet files for ftp'ing either from a
** AmiNet RECENT listing produced by SortMail or from Thor's filebase. If
** the filebase window is open, the files selected there will be used.
** Otherwise FTPGet.thor will open a listview containing the RECENT listing.
** FTPGet.thor is to be used together with FTPGet.daftp. The latter will
** read the list created by FTPGet.thor and get the files from the AmiNet
** site. Note that you will have to connect to the site yourself, but
** FTPGet.daftp will CD to the correct directory and start the downloading.
** FTPGet.daftp has been tested with DaFTP 0.1130 and found to work
** satisfactory. FTPGet.thor needs Thor 2.0 or higher to work.
** Before using these scripts, edit the listfile and getreadme variables
** below. FTPGet.daftp also contains two variables that must be edited
** before use.
Contents of comm/thor/ftpget10.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[unknown] 473 869 54.4% -lh5- aafd Aug 31 1995 FTPGet.daftp
[unknown] 1766 4966 35.6% -lh5- a920 Aug 31 1995 FTPGet.thor
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 2239 5835 38.4% Aug 31 1995
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