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This package enables you to strip and convert HTML messages and optionally
autopost an email to poster that basically says that HTML formatted messages
isn't wanted on usenet (which here includes news and mailinglists).
NEWS: - Improved reply text (by Kimme Utsi).
DOC: It's simple to use and install:
1) Copy the arexx script to the Rexx/ dir of Thor.
2) Copy the binary to C: or another global command path
3) Optionally assign the script to a button in Thor
When you now see a message containing HTML code press the button and the script
will do the rest.
4) There are a couple of settings you may want to adjust in the arexx script:
--> Autopost = 0 or 1 (default=1)
This allow you to disable the autopost feature. If = 0 the script will only
strip the html code and convert entities and show you the result. No event is
added. Default is 1 which make the script add an event to the poster with an
anti-html message. Feel free to edit the anti-message, but it would require
basic knowledge to arexx.
--> UseEditor = 0 or 1 (default=1)
If you set this to 1 you can edit the event text on the spot after the script
has added the event. Also gives a nice preview. You will need the Autopost set
to 1.
--> EmailConfName = "" (default="Email")
This is the name of your email conference.
--> SubjectTXT = "" (default="AUTOPOST: Don't post HTML on the USENET!")
This is the subject line which will be used in the anti-post. If you don't like
the default one please edit it.
You should be able to use the script without modifying the settings.
Feel free to comment the package and to bring up suggestions.
Happy usenet'ing!
Contents of comm/thor/AutoNOHTML.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 942 1872 50.3% -lh5- e70f Jun 18 1998 autonohtml/AutoNOHTML.readme
[generic] 2969 5148 57.7% -lh5- c371 Oct 27 1997 autonohtml/c/DetagHTML
[generic] 2332 5925 39.4% -lh5- 8ab9 Jun 18 1998 autonohtml/thorrexx/AutoNOHTML.thor
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 6243 12945 48.2% Jul 25 1998
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