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Short:Updates `term\' v4.7 to v4.7b
Author:"Olaf `Olsen' Barthel" olsen at
Download:comm/term/term_47b_pch.lha - View contents

`term' v4.7b update
This patch addresses a number of problems in `term' v4.7, plus a few bugs
that did not really get fixed in the v4.7a update, namely:

- Another last minute change that bit me. I made the dialer text box lines
  a little smaller and took out some few lines that appeared to be useless.
  Well, they weren't that useless after all. The changes cut off the message
  box text. They now look like they did before.

- In the PhoneLog format call log files, host name and number were swapped
  [Maik Schreiber].

- The job queue processing was broken for one type of job. Actually, there
  was just one job around of this type. Startup scripts wouldn't execute
  but crash the machine [Markus Dages].

- The pen allocation code could run forever due to a typo I made. When
  is = != ==?

- The "Time to connect" settings only entered into the cost calculation,
  but never had any effect on the time displayed on the screen.

- The "Print screen" and "Print clipboard" code was broken. `term' could
  believe that during printing an error had occured before even the first
  character was printed [Michael Jaccoud].

- For some features `term' would allow you append data to existing files,
  such as when opening a capture file. With the "protective mode" enabled
  you would be asked to confirm that you want to replace an existing file
  before you would eventually get to confirm that you really want to append
  data to it. I changed this, so you will see only one requester now
  [Edith Goldstein].

- Added the last few V34 bps rates to the default list. The bps rate selector
  also no longer rounds off baud rates to default values [Russ LeBar].

- If the serial device driver doesn't open and returns error #3 `term' now
  pretends it was error #2. The MFC duart.device does this.

- The order in which you pick items from the quick dial menu now once again
  affects the order in which they end up in the dial list.

- The fast! macro display was using one single operating system call that
  was unavailable under Kickstart 2.04, crashing Intuition almost
  instantly. Fixed [David Dares].

- Changed the way uploads from the upload queue take place. The upload list
  is no longer locked until the transfer is finished.

- The ARexx "DIAL" command was entirely broken. It now finally does what
  it was spec'ed to [Daniel Wicke].

- When adding new files to the upload list with the "Add files..." button
  the upload process would get a hold of resources it would not return.
  When doing a file transfer both `term' and the upload process would
  eventually lock up.

- With the editor window open, the phonebook list display will no longer
  have the selected entry jump around when using the cursor keys to move it.

- When capturing incoming text in a file and freezing the text buffer contents
  data will no longer end up in the buffer, regardless of the text buffer
  operating mode used [Luca Longone].

- The "Connect limit" was mistaken as being the number of seconds before
  executing the "Limit macro". This has been fixed, it is now used as the
  number of minutes before the macro needs to be executed [Andree Mädl].

- The phonebook entry editor is now split in two: the first page shows
  the former left half of the window and the second page shows the former
  right half of the window.

What's in the archive?
The following files should be included in this archive:

gtlayout.library      Updated user interface support
                      library v40.1 (generic 68k version)
term-020-47b.pch      Patch to update `term' v4.7 (020+ version)
term-020-47b.pch.sig  PGP signature for term-020-47b.pch
term-any-47b.pch      Patch to update `term' v4.7 (generic 68k version)
term-any-47b.pch.sig  PGP signature for term-any-47b.pch
Patch-4.7b.notes      The file you are currently reading
spatch                Tool to apply the patch
Update-term4.7        Installer script to apply the patch
Source                The source code files which changed since
                      v4.7 was released in October 1996.

How to apply this patch?
Just use the supplied installer script, it will do all the messy work
for you which involves deciding with program type you are using (either
the 020+ version or the generic 68k version), making a backup copy of the
old program and last but not least applying the patch.

   NOTE: Make sure that you use the most recent Installer V43.3 or
         you might have problems applying the patch.

If the patch cannot be applied
If the patch still does not get applied, you can still apply it manually.
Open a shell window, then enter the following (assuming that you have the
spatch program in the shell search path and the patch file in the
right place):

   spatch -oterm-47b -pterm-any-47b.pch term
   (For the generic 68k version)


   spatch -oterm-47b -pterm-020-47b.pch term
   (For the 020+ version)

This will create the file "term-47b". Rename your old `term' file, then
rename "term-47b" to "term". That's all, folks.

Note that each patch file can be applied only to the corresponding
program version. You cannot update the generic 68k version with the
020+ patch file and the other way round. If the patch fails at first,
try the other patch file. If this still does not work, make sure you
have the original `term' v4.7 as found on Aminet.

Let me stress this: these patch files must be applied to the original
v4.7 files as found on Aminet. They cannot be applied to recompiled
versions or to files which already have the v4.7a patch applied.

Famous last words
This patch file was created using the "scompare" SAS Binary File
Compare Program V6.50 which is copyright © 1992-1993 SAS Institute,
Inc. The "spatch" SAS Binary File Patcher V6.50 is copyright © 1992
SAS Institute, Inc.

If you do not trust this patch file, you can request a patch file
directly from me either on disk (do not forget to include money to
cover the postage) or via eMail.

My mail address is:

    Olaf Barthel
    Brabeckstrasse 35
    D-30559 Hannover
    Federal Republic of Germany

My eMail address is:

Contents of comm/term/term_47b_pch.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                58860  100336  58.7% -lh5- 4bd9 Jan  1  1997 gtlayout.library
[generic]                 2745    6237  44.0% -lh5- 0c85 Jan  1  1997 Patch-4.7b.notes
[generic]                  240     492  48.8% -lh5- 0921 Jun 14  1996
[generic]                35735  128034  27.9% -lh5- 0326 Jan  1  1997 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout.doc
[generic]                 5187   19249  26.9% -lh5- 44c6 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout.h
[generic]                  122     214  57.0% -lh5- ac1d Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout.library_rev.h
[generic]                  135     256  52.7% -lh5- 9d85 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout.library_rev.i
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 9795 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout.library_rev.rev
[generic]                 6278   21883  28.7% -lh5- 614e Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout_internal.h
[generic]                 7302   20637  35.4% -lh5- 1ed8 Nov 24  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout_lib.c
[generic]                 3868   18025  21.5% -lh5- c984 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout_libprotos.h
[generic]                  816    3730  21.9% -lh5- 434b Nov 29  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout_pragmas.h
[generic]                 1174    5162  22.7% -lh5- b651 Nov 29  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout_protos.h
[generic]                  438    1162  37.7% -lh5- 7556 Nov 25  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/gtlayout_romtag.a
[generic]                 7780   27209  28.6% -lh5- 2090 Nov 29  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_Build.c
[generic]                 2501    9111  27.5% -lh5- 2682 Nov 10  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_GetAttributes.c
[generic]                 8122   46770  17.4% -lh5- e0c8 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_HandleInput.c
[generic]                18655   93925  19.9% -lh5- 39c2 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_New.c
[generic]                 2633    9520  27.7% -lh5- 0fe1 Dec 21  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_NewMenuTagList.c
[generic]                  775    1493  51.9% -lh5- 023b Nov 24  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_PressButton.c
[generic]                 2390    7244  33.0% -lh5- 9b17 Nov 25  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_Rebuild.c
[generic]                 7441   31166  23.9% -lh5- b3de Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_SetAttributes.c
[generic]                  833    1697  49.1% -lh5- 2556 Nov 10  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LT_UpdateStrings.c
[generic]                  819    2253  36.4% -lh5- 8362 Nov  2  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_BitMap.c
[generic]                  592    1343  44.1% -lh5- f319 Nov 24  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_BlinkButton.c
[generic]                  747    1706  43.8% -lh5- eccf Nov 12  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_CreateNewTask.c
[generic]                 1532    5523  27.7% -lh5- ece3 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_CreateObjectNode.c
[generic]                 1148    2846  40.3% -lh5- 5728 Nov 10  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_DefaultEditRoutine.c
[generic]                 5073   23772  21.3% -lh5- de74 Nov 25  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_DetermineSize.c
[generic]                 1774    6589  26.9% -lh5- 40cd Nov 12  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_Draw.c
[generic]                 1756    7427  23.6% -lh5- ab06 Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_DrawGroup.c
[generic]                 1382    4379  31.6% -lh5- a863 Oct 27  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_Find.c
[generic]                 5642   27736  20.3% -lh5- 22e8 Nov 25  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_LayoutGadgets.c
[generic]                 3971   21055  18.9% -lh5- 7a77 Nov 24  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_LayoutGroup.c
[generic]                  771    2311  33.4% -lh5- 6586 Nov 12  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_PlaceGroups.c
[generic]                 6090   23925  25.5% -lh5- c1d4 Nov 12  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_PopupClass.c
[generic]                 1194    3590  33.3% -lh5- ae9e Dec 23  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_PrintBoxLine.c
[generic]                 1098    2958  37.1% -lh5- 7c67 Nov 10  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_SelectKeys.c
[generic]                 1412    5192  27.2% -lh5- adc5 Nov 25  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_Storage.c
[generic]                 4946   17532  28.2% -lh5- e2f5 Nov  2  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/LTP_TabClass.c
[generic]                 2789   11334  24.6% -lh5- 3f2a Nov 12  1996 Source/gtlayout-40.1/SMakefile
[generic]                 5836   17658  33.1% -lh5- b972 Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/About.c
[generic]                17888   83564  21.4% -lh5- 13a7 Nov  3  1996 Source/term-4.7b/ARexxCommands.c
[generic]                 1803    4910  36.7% -lh5- 29a1 Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Call.c
[generic]                 2062    9203  22.4% -lh5- cff6 Nov  3  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Capture.c
[generic]                 2064   11580  17.8% -lh5- 6e68 Nov  3  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Choose.c
[generic]                 6209   26043  23.8% -lh5- 0cd5 Nov 19  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Console.c
[generic]                 3152   13604  23.2% -lh5- 1bbf Nov  9  1996 Source/term-4.7b/ControlSequences.c
[generic]                17305   83989  20.6% -lh5- 5fec Nov  9  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Data.c
[generic]                 5326   18652  28.6% -lh5- c72f Nov  9  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Data.h
[generic]                11445   41046  27.9% -lh5- 04b0 Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Dial.c
[generic]                 3920   19051  20.6% -lh5- 0c1e Nov 10  1996 Source/term-4.7b/EmulationPanel.c
[generic]                 6978   29004  24.1% -lh5- 379e Nov 11  1996 Source/term-4.7b/FastMacroWindow.c
[generic]                 5187   19249  26.9% -lh5- 44c6 Dec 23  1996 Source/term-4.7b/gtlayout.h
[generic]                26123  100542  26.0% -lh5- 8799 Nov 12  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Init.c
[generic]                 2661   10012  26.6% -lh5- c126 Oct 29  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Job.c
[generic]                26007   98070  26.5% -lh5- b36d Jan  1  1997 Source/term-4.7b/Main.c
[generic]                 6440   23124  27.8% -lh5- 7366 Nov  3  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Packet.c
[generic]                 5762   17617  32.7% -lh5- b8ab Nov 11  1996 Source/term-4.7b/PhoneLogGenerator.c
[generic]                13223   66312  19.9% -lh5- c670 Nov 19  1996 Source/term-4.7b/PhonePanel.c
[generic]                  731    1901  38.5% -lh5- 2026 Nov 24  1996 Source/term-4.7b/PhonePanel.h
[generic]                 6878   40598  16.9% -lh5- a6b3 Nov 24  1996 Source/term-4.7b/PhonePanelUI.c
[generic]                 5514   24007  23.0% -lh5- 4ad4 Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Print.c
[generic]                12893   55883  23.1% -lh5- 61fd Jan  1  1997 Source/term-4.7b/Protos.h
[generic]                 4479   16093  27.8% -lh5- 147d Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/SaveWindow.c
[generic]                 7262   26342  27.6% -lh5- 8e45 Nov  5  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Serial.c
[generic]                 4158   17129  24.3% -lh5- b309 Nov  5  1996 Source/term-4.7b/SerialPanel.c
[generic]                 7932   29288  27.1% -lh5- f015 Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/StatusDisplay.c
[generic]                74480  434251  17.2% -lh5- 7931 Nov 11  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Strings.h
[generic]                  105     171  61.4% -lh5- 7ed0 Jan  1  1997 Source/term-4.7b/term_rev.h
[generic]                  120     213  56.3% -lh5- 9945 Jan  1  1997 Source/term-4.7b/term_rev.i
[generic]                15336   69009  22.2% -lh5- b060 Nov 10  1996 Source/term-4.7b/TextBufferWindow.c
[generic]                21779   74458  29.3% -lh5- 1f54 Nov 22  1996 Source/term-4.7b/Tools.c
[generic]                 5603   25161  22.3% -lh5- eec8 Nov 18  1996 Source/term-4.7b/UploadQueue.c
[generic]                 6140   23008  26.7% -lh5- 4d02 Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/XEM.c
[generic]                14872   54153  27.5% -lh5- 15f6 Nov  2  1996 Source/term-4.7b/XPR.c
[generic]                 9285   14636  63.4% -lh5- e89d Nov 30  1993 spatch
[generic]                76039  124408  61.1% -lh5- 91c1 Jan  1  1997 term-020-47b.pch
[generic]                   88      88 100.0% -lh0- 918c Jan  1  1997 term-020-47b.pch.sig
[generic]                72664  116556  62.3% -lh5- b092 Jan  1  1997 term-any-47b.pch
[generic]                   88      88 100.0% -lh0- 4668 Jan  1  1997 term-any-47b.pch.sig
[generic]                 1201    3069  39.1% -lh5- 6cf3 Jan  1  1997 Update-term4.7
[generic]                  343     697  49.2% -lh5- 07a0 Jan  1  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        83 files  734149 2569462  28.6%            Jan  4  1997
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