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Short: | Savvy (as in networker) smbfs GUI program |
Author: | Jim Steichen |
Uploader: | jimbot frontiernet net (The Author) |
Type: | comm/net |
Version: | 1.7 |
Architecture: | ppc-amigaos |
Date: | 2005-09-25 |
Requires: | AmigaOne PowerPC & AmigaOS4+ |
Download: | comm/net/savvyppc.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/net/savvyppc.readme |
Downloads: | 1094 |
Savvy 1.7 allows the user to activate smbfs connections from a GUI.
V1.7 - Added a button to send WinPopup messages to WIntel PCs.
V1.6 - Fixed the broken Edit Tooltypes Button as well as the broken Help
menu item. Also, added a Cancel Button to the String Requester.
The Help key (Scroll Lock) is also working now.
V1.5a - Added missing ToolTypesEditorPPC that caused the install script to
(Sorry guys/gals!)
V1.5 - Added the Activate with User%Password Button.
V1.4 - Added the Disconnect Service Button.
V1.3 - Cleaned up minor ToolType checkbox code bug.
This version has been compiled to run on the PowerPC AmigaOne & AmigaOS4.0
James T. Steichen, Copyright (c) 2004.
What You Get:
Listing of archive 'SavvyPPC.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2239 559 42.1% 24-Sep-05 06:35:36 Savvy.readme
1800 1502 16.5% 24-Sep-05 06:35:54 SavvyPPC.info
231794 82703 64.3% 24-Sep-05 06:23:28 SavvyPPC
1870 1539 17.7% 22-Sep-05 06:06:10 SavvyPPC.info.backup
16 16 0.0% 24-Sep-05 06:35:56 SavvyWorkGroup
60 58 3.3% 24-Sep-05 06:35:56 SavvyGroupsList
3341 1458 56.3% 21-Oct-04 05:53:50 +savvy.ct
5550 2273 59.0% 21-Oct-04 05:53:50 +savvy.cd
890 226 74.6% 21-Oct-04 05:53:50 +savvy.catalog
36148 12042 66.6% 24-Sep-05 01:45:16 SavvyPPC.guide
1382 951 31.1% 16-Oct-04 00:27:06 SavvyPPC.guide.info
7155 1820 74.5% 21-Oct-04 07:13:42 Savvy.install
3337 1841 44.8% 21-Oct-04 07:04:00 Savvy.install.info
1586 840 47.0% 08-Nov-01 10:52:44 SavvyDrawer.info
203412 69429 65.8% 24-Sep-05 06:35:58 ToolTypesEditorPPC
1167 948 18.7% 24-Sep-05 06:36:00 ToolTypesEditorPPC.info
7202 2693 62.6% 24-Sep-05 06:36:02 ToolTypesEditor.guide
1382 951 31.1% 24-Sep-05 06:36:02 ToolTypesEditor.guide.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
509058 181849 64.2% 24-Sep-105 06:36:02 18 files
Contents of comm/net/savvyppc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1038 2238 46.4% -lh5- c48a Sep 24 06:37 Savvy.readme
[generic] 1502 1800 83.4% -lh5- 0a73 Sep 24 06:38 SavvyPPC.info
[generic] 82703 231794 35.7% -lh5- e042 Sep 24 06:23 SavvyPPC
[generic] 1539 1870 82.3% -lh5- 8dde Sep 22 06:06 SavvyPPC.info.backup
[generic] 16 16 100.0% -lh0- 3b05 Sep 24 06:38 SavvyWorkGroup
[generic] 58 60 96.7% -lh5- 28dd Sep 24 06:38 SavvyGroupsList
[generic] 1458 3341 43.6% -lh5- 39b0 Oct 21 2004 locale/catalogs/savvy.ct
[generic] 2273 5550 41.0% -lh5- d32c Oct 21 2004 locale/catalogs/savvy.cd
[generic] 226 890 25.4% -lh5- a6bb Oct 21 2004 locale/catalogs/savvy.catalog
[generic] 12042 36148 33.3% -lh5- c80e Sep 24 01:45 SavvyPPC.guide
[generic] 951 1382 68.8% -lh5- ed72 Oct 16 2004 SavvyPPC.guide.info
[generic] 1820 7155 25.4% -lh5- 0f3c Oct 21 2004 Savvy.install
[generic] 1841 3337 55.2% -lh5- 1d2d Oct 21 2004 Savvy.install.info
[generic] 840 1586 53.0% -lh5- 081a Nov 8 2001 SavvyDrawer.info
[generic] 69429 203412 34.1% -lh5- 2a38 Sep 24 06:38 ToolTypesEditorPPC
[generic] 948 1167 81.2% -lh5- f321 Sep 24 06:38 ToolTypesEditorPPC.info
[generic] 2693 7202 37.4% -lh5- 002e Sep 24 06:38 ToolTypesEditor.guide
[generic] 951 1382 68.8% -lh5- 713a Sep 24 06:38 ToolTypesEditor.guide.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 182328 510330 35.7% Sep 25 07:41
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