A simple command to convert calendar dates to julian dates.
Quite useful in timing situations where you need elapsed time
between dates. Also useful for astronomy applications.
Ported by DJBase - http://www.djbase.de
Version 1.3 release
o Added PERL, AWK and PHP versions, Test scripts,
and HTML and man pages.
o Fixed year 1 Jan and Feb bug.
Fixed seconds round-off printing problem that lost
a second on some dates.
o Changed the UTinstant structure slightly,
removed d_second and i_second to be replaced by
simply second - no need for an integer here and
this could lead to increased accuracy for future work.
o Added the build and install of a library so the functions
can be used from C programs. Included a sample example
dbd.c - calculates days between dates.
o updated autoconf, automake, libtool system to include
the full blown GNU make system.
o Needs to be checked on 64 bit systems.
o WEB page at http://jday.sourceforge.net/ now includes
the php version calculator.