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Short:Dialer.device 1.7 is an update to dialer_1b.lha
Author:"Iain Hibbert" plunky at
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Download:comm/net/dialerdevice17.lha - View contents

                            dialer.device 1.7

                           © 1994, Iain Hibbert

    dialer.device is an autodialer/login program for all types of network
  software that use the serial port, but don't know how to deal with modems
  or login prompts.  It also enables you to have your modem hangup on DTR

    dialer.device will work with *any* software that usually accesses a
  serial port, such as any [C]SLIP or PPP devices for AmiTCP, any version
  of AmigaNOS, any terminal program, and even the 'version' command.

1. Installation

     This archive should contain three files:

            dialer.device       ; the autodialer
            dialer0.config      ; an example configuration
            dialer.readme       ; this file

     Copy dialer.device to your DEVS: directory, and create config files in
   ENV: (and ENVARC:), then point your network software at dialer.device
   instead of its usual serial.device.

     For automatic hangup, configure your modem to drop the line when DTR
   is dropped (&D2 on most modems), then you just need to take the system
   offline (in the case of AmiTCP) or exit the network software (AmigaNOS)
   to hangup.

2. Configuration

    Each unit of dialer.device can be configured differently, thus is is
  possible to have several network connections using the same telephone
  line. The configuration is held in a file called dialerX.config in your
  ENV: directory, where X is the unit number (the unit number may be any
  32-bit number). Only lines starting with valid keywords are interpreted,
  this is a low-level device and no error messages are currently produced,
  if you have any problems check the config file.

    When you have correctly configured dialer.device and your modem, you
  can test it with the 'version' command, just type:

        version dialer.device unit 0

    at the shell prompt, and it should dial out and login to your network
  provider, then hangup immediately. Success is indicated by printing the
  version number of the serial device indicated by the DEVICE keyword -
  this is because when dialer.device has finished its login, it steps out
  of the way and leaves the network software to deal directly with the
  serial device so there is no degradation in performance :-)

    The valid keywords are:

    DEVICE <string>

        The device to use. When dialer.device is successfully opened, it
      returns a pointer to this device instead of itself.

        default: "serial.device"

    UNIT <number>

        The unit number of the serial device to use.

        default: 0

    BAUD <number>

        The Baud Rate to use

        default: <your prefs setting>

    INITSTRING <string>

        The first string that is sent to the modem, it should initialise
      the modem, and cause it to return an OK within 5 seconds, or else the
      device will return, unopened.

        default: "ATZ"

    DIALSTRING <string>

        The string we send before each phone number.

        default: "ATDT"

    PHONE <string>

        Multiple PHONE keywords are allowed. Each will be dialled in turn,
      until we either get a "CONNECT", "ERROR", or "NO DIALTONE" message
      from the modem, or else the window is closed.

      N.B.  If there are no numbers to dial, the dialer will assume that
      there is no modem on the line and will skip directly to the CONVERSE
      stage (no MODEMINIT, no Dialling)

    DIALTIMEOUT <number>

        When dialling, we will attempt to abort the dial if this many
      seconds pass before we get a recognised result. The device will
      continue dialling with the next number.

        default: 60

    CONVERSE <string> <string>

        Multiple CONVERSE keywords are allowed, none are required. The first
      string is waited for, then the second string plus a CR is sent. To
      send without waiting, leave the first string empty (ie "").

    TIMEOUT <number>

        The timeout to use when waiting for a CONVERSE string, if we
      timeout, the device will fail to open.

        default: 30

    WINDOWSIZE <number> <number> <number> <number>

        Status window size when it opens

        default: 320 11 320 100

    ZOOMSIZE <number> <number> <number> <number>

        Alternative size, for when you press the Zoom gadget.

        default: 320 11 320 11

    A <string> is delimited by spaces, or " quote characters.

    "This is one String"
    This is four strings

    You can insert CR or LF into the string by using \r and \n

3. Copyright

     dialer.device is © 1994 Iain Hibbert and is  freely  distributable  as
 long as all of its files are  included  in  their  original  form  without
 additions, deletions, or modifications of any kind,  and  only  a  nominal
 fee is charged for its distribution.

     This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
 expressed or implied. Reading Legal mush can turn your brain to guacamole.
 By using dialer.device you accept either the whole risk or the quality and
 performance of the program.

4. The Author

    Iain Hibbert         4 Avondale Road
                         Bath                   2:250/320.33@fidonet
                         Avon BA1 3EG           39:138/14.33@amiganet

     You should probably be able to reach me at one of the above addresses,
 if you are using Comms software regularly.  Please contact me if  you have
 any  problems  or  suggestions.  I  do  not  guarantee  to  implement  any
 suggestions or fix any bugs, but it can't hurt to try.

5. History

    1.0     First Release

    1.4     1.0 would think it was successful if you aborted after
            receiving the CONNECT message (ie during the login phase)

    1.6     removed the requirement to have PHONE keywords, at request

6. Bugs

    Thats all, there is no more..

    Actually, there is one slight strangeness to do with the OpenDevice()
  exec.library function call - *sometimes* if the device fails to open, it
  tries again (once only) - this can manifest if you abort the dialling,
  the dialer starts to try again (just close it again), or if the login
  fails and the device tries again. I do not know why it does this.

    Any other problems, let me know..

 ****  New! Version 1.7 ****

      THe new thing added about this version is a feature that is done
internally. What is it, you may ask? Now, the Converse part of the program
will pause for 1 second before entering a command after the search string
is matched. This update is for people connected to machines which need a
more human speed of input in order to proceed. This is often the case for
those of us who are using Digital Modems. Anyone who is using version 1.6 
and it works should have no problem with this version, however, those of
us which need that delay in command entering in order for the host to
read the correct baud rate will need this version to enter the world of
Network Communications. Good luck, and if there is any more requests,
make sure you mail the author about them.


Contents of comm/net/dialerdevice17.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3893    6332  61.5% -lh5- 8594 Jul 16  1994 dialer.device
[generic]                  567    1099  51.6% -lh5- e967 Jul 16  1994 dialer0.config
[generic]                 2686    6389  42.0% -lh5- 4541 Jul 16  1994 dialer.readme
[generic]                 4320    9973  43.3% -lh5- a5c0 Feb 18  1995 amitcp.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         4 files   11466   23793  48.2%            May 17  1995
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