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Short:SANA-II network device statistics monitor
Author: mag at (Marius Groeger)
Uploader:groeger goofy zdv uni-mainz de (Marius Groeger)
Requires:some SANA-II device
Download:comm/net/SANA2Meter.lha - View contents

  SANA2Meter - Statistics monitor for SANA-II compliant network devices

  (C) Copyright 1996 Marius Gröger
      All Rights Reserved.

| For users who don't have or dislike gtlayout.library the package includes
| now a version which has been statically linked with the gtlayout code and
| thus doesn't need the shared library. Penalty for this independence is an
| about four times larger executable size.

  SANA2Meter is a simple tool that displays the network device statistics of
  any SANA-II network device. The set of displayable values include static
  parameters such as hardware type, MTU, speed in bits per second as well as
  dynamic values such as number of sent and received packets and error
  counters. In addition, SANA2Meter is able to display up to 20 device
  special statistics using generic code for the inquiry. For more experienced
  users and network administrators the packet type tracking function may come
  in handy. By means of this feature the user can keep track of one or more
  particular packet types. Last but not least, on highly networked systems
  such as gateways or bridges or servers the system administrator might like
  SANA2Meter's ability to display statistics of any number of network
  interfaces simultaneously. All dynamic statistics are updated periodically.

  The program can be called from both CLI and Workbench. A great lot of
  values, including the set of displayed statistics, refresh time, window
  position, public screen, and font can easily be customized by CLI
  arguments, tooltypes, and menu selection. The current setting may be saved
  to the tooltype list from the GUI or to a ASCII configuration file.

  SANA2Meter can be used with any SANA-II compliant network device including
  popular SLIP or PPP devices used to connect to an internet provider

  You should install this software package by using the supplied Installer
  script. Please read also the supplied AmigaGuide document to obtain further
  information about installation and usage. If you have any suggestions,
  comments, or complaints please contact me:

  Marius Gröger          Email:
  Bärstadter Str. 4   
  65307 Bad Schwalbach


  Release 37.11

    * Included a version which is statically linked with the gtlayout code
      and doesn't need the shared gtlayout.library

    * Static speed characteristics of the A2065 device wouldn't be shown

    * Special statistics and baud rate A2065 device caused problems
      (Enforcer Hit)

    * Fixed memory trashing when dealing with more than one special

    * ToolType saving code improved

  Release 37.9

    * CPS rate display for each packet type being tracked

  Release 37.6

    * Multiple network devices may be monitored simultaneously

    * An optional configuration file keeps permanent settings also
      for CLI usage

    * Bugfix: Some ancient code would only display 10 special statistics

    * Workaround: rh(c)slip.device causes no longer delay of user input

  Release 37.3

    * SANA2Meter now also renders it's display under Kickstart 3.0 (V39).
      Earlier releases of SANA2Meter failed to operate accurately due to
      a bug in gadtools lower than 40.1

    * loosing track of some values (most notably packet type tracking
      information) will terminate their display

  Release 37.2

    * packet type tracking

  Initial Release 37.1

    * initial release


  This package is Freeware, but not in the public domain.

  It's strictly forbidden to include this archive in any kind of software
  collection except Fred Fish's AmigaLibrary, Aminet, Aminet CD's, Meeting
  Pearls CD's and BBS fileareas.

  This software is provided "as is". No representations or warranties are
  made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, performance, currentness,
  or operation of this software, and all use is at your own risk.

Contents of comm/net/SANA2Meter.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  268     628  42.7% -lh5- e80b May 11  1996
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- 30d9 Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/
[generic]                11975   20916  57.3% -lh5- bf1a Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Bin/SANA2Meter.000
[generic]                45922   79436  57.8% -lh5- 5388 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Bin/SANA2Meter.000.s
[generic]                11683   20640  56.6% -lh5- 9388 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Bin/SANA2Meter.020
[generic]                11687   20632  56.6% -lh5- 57f8 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Bin/SANA2Meter.040
[generic]                  268     628  42.7% -lh5- 7d9b Apr  5  1996 SANA2Meter/
[generic]                  814    1588  51.3% -lh5- 8134 May 11  1996 SANA2Meter/Catalogs/deutsch/sana2meter.catalog
[generic]                 1073    2394  44.8% -lh5- 5e4a May 11  1996 SANA2Meter/Catalogs/deutsch/sana2meter.ct
[generic]                  269     628  42.8% -lh5- 3085 Apr  5  1996 SANA2Meter/
[generic]                14577   42133  34.6% -lh5- c640 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Help/
[generic]                  273     628  43.5% -lh5- 804a Apr  5  1996 SANA2Meter/
[generic]                  594    1233  48.2% -lh5- e237 Apr  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Icons/
[generic]                  975    1858  52.5% -lh5- 8bc6 Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                 1113    4202  26.5% -lh5- 5803 May  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- fbc0 Apr  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Icons/
[generic]                  231     469  49.3% -lh5- 4a9b Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  591    4074  14.5% -lh5- cc30 May  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                 2853    8924  32.0% -lh5- 637e Jun  3  1996 SANA2Meter/Install
[generic]                  376     747  50.3% -lh5- e22f Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/
[generic]                 1917    4144  46.3% -lh5- f587 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/ReadMe
[generic]                  218     463  47.1% -lh5- 69e6 Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/
[generic]                 1114    3116  35.8% -lh5- 3f07 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/s/build-aminet
[generic]                 2036    4445  45.8% -lh5- ae53 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/SANA2Meter37.11.readme
[generic]                  273     628  43.5% -lh5- dfbf Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/
[generic]                  195     285  68.4% -lh5- d9e0 Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/aminet.ids
[generic]                  968    2362  41.0% -lh5- 3d76 May 11  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/blank.ct
[generic]                  715    1635  43.7% -lh5- f5f8 Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/compiler.h
[generic]                 1523    7050  21.6% -lh5- adb5 Jun  2  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/constdata.c
[generic]                  389     770  50.5% -lh5- 5a4b Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/constdata.h
[generic]                  288     428  67.3% -lh5- 9145 Apr  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/debug.h
[generic]                 4280   19388  22.1% -lh5- 9b86 Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/gui.c
[generic]                  940    2421  38.8% -lh5- cf2d May 11  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/
[generic]                  696    2266  30.7% -lh5- 0bc3 May 11  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/locale.h
[generic]                 1947    5696  34.2% -lh5- 2c37 Jun  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/Makefile
[generic]                10392   48555  21.4% -lh5- 7788 Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/sana2meter.c
[generic]                 2444    9262  26.4% -lh5- 9302 May  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/sana2meter.h
[generic]                  332     950  34.9% -lh5- e646 Apr  5  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/sana2meter.preinc
[generic]                  114     194  58.8% -lh5- dc79 Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/SANA2Meter_rev.h
[generic]                  125     236  53.0% -lh5- c413 Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/SANA2Meter_rev.i
[generic]                    3       3 100.0% -lh0- 58c4 Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/sana2meter_rev.rev
[generic]                 2659    9249  28.7% -lh5- de9f Jun  4  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/support.c
[generic]                  142     241  58.9% -lh5- 9b57 Apr 27  1996 SANA2Meter/Source/test.config
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        43 files  139795  336801  41.5%            Jun  5  1996
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