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              Logon Activities, v3.4 README! File by Dotoran

    Logon Activities allows the SysOp to create a list of Activities that
their users can choose to run and/or view during their logon, but the REAL
power of this file is put into the hands of the USER, because THEY have the
power to choose WHICH Activities they wish to use, WHICH Menus they wish the
Activities to appear in, WHAT colors they wish to see on the screen, WHICH
graphics they wish to look at, and MUCH, MUCH more!

    This file will explain how to set this file up, then how to use the
included "LogActs3.Maint", "LogActs3.AMaint", and "LogActs3.Purge" files.
It will NOT, however, go into discussion as to how to use the MAIN file,
"LogonActivities3". For information on using this program, please review
the OnLine Instructions, or view the "LogActs3.DOC" file through a text
editor at your leisure.

How to Install:
    First, SLOW DOWN! The installation of this file is NOT hard, but does
contain numerous steps, so TAKE YOUR TIME, and do the steps IN ORDER and you
should have NO problems running this file...

1: Copy the "LogActs3" directory into your PFILES: section.

2: Copy the "LogonActivities3" ARexx file into your PFILES: section also.

3: In your "systext:sys.welcome" file, add this line(which, ideally, should
   be the ONLY line you have in that file):


4: In your "cnet:bbsmenu" file, at the BOTTOM of Menu # 1 (SysOp Menu), add
   this line:

            3ACT    |   {#0pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.Maint}

   NOTE: This creates a SysOp Only command "3ACT" that can be used to run
         the included "LogActs3.Maint" support file.

5: In your "cnet:bbsmenu" file, at the BOTTOM of Menu # 2 (Available Every-
   where), add this line:

            ACT,ACTivities  |   {#0pfiles:LogonActivities3}     `1-31
                                ^                                 ^
                             Control-Q                      Access Groups

   NOTE: This creates a command called "ACT" that your users can use to load
         up Logon Activities AFTER they have logged onto your BBS.

6: As a DAILY EVENT (In the "Events..." window of CNet's CONFIG program),
   add this event:

        Command: RunARexx         Args: pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.AMaint
        Port(s): 1                Time: 300
           Type: Force Idle      Valid: 100
           Days: EVERY DAY    Interval: 0
                               Iterate: 1

7: From INSIDE CNet, add the following FOUR (4) files somewhere in your
   Pfiles area, using these settings:

          Title: pfiles:LogonActivities3
           Type: Arexx Multiple Users
        Options: Disable More? Prompt
         Access: Anybody

          Title: pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.Maint
           Type: Arexx Single User
        Options: Disable More? Prompt
         Access: SysOps ONLY!

          Title: pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.AMaint
           Type: Arexx Single User
        Options: Disable More? Prompt
         Access: SysOps ONLY!

          Title: pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.Purge
           Type: Arexx Single User
        Options: Disable More? Prompt
         Access: SysOps ONLY!

8: In your "cnet:bbstext" file, make sure you've colorized the following
   text lines, as they MAY be utilized at times by this file:

        487,488,489 (Lines dealing with a file being SELECTED)
        563 (Line dealing with FILE NOT FOUND)

   These lines are used when initially asking the user if they would like to
   DOWNLOAD the DOC file for perusal OFFLINE.

9: All that's left for the SYSOP to do is create the initial Activity List,
   as described below, under "Using the LogActs3.Maint File"...

Using the LogActs3.Maint File:
    Before the users can actively use the Logon Activities file, it will be
neccessary to create the "pfiles:LogActs3/Activities" file. This file is
created and maintained by the "LogActs3.Maint" file.

    RUN the LogActs3.Maint file now. When first run, you'll see the Title
Bar at the top of the screen, and the Command Bar near the bottom of the
screen. The blank middle section will display a list of your currently set
Activities. Here's what the Command Bar options do:

[A]dd Activity
    You'll be asked for SIX (6) pieces of information for each Activity:

1:  Name of New Activity:

        This is the NAME that will appear in the MENUS used by LogActs3.

        Pressing RETURN with NO data in this field will ABORT the Add.

2:  The MCI Load String:

        This is the MCI Command needed to LAUNCH the Activity, MINUS the
        Control-Q and terminating }, which will be added by the LogActs3
        Command file when that Activity is selected by the user.

        This data should be in the following format:


            where:  A = * (to display a text file)
                        # (to execute a program file)
                        & (to execute a CNet Command)

                   BB = The args to the LOAD Specifier:

                        * uses: 0 - Display file, interpreting everything.
                                1 - Do NOT interpret MCI's. Shown instead.
                                2 - Disable the "Word Wrap" feature.
                                4 - Disable the "More?" Prompt.
                                8 - Disable ALL SYSOP MCI Commands.
                               32 - Enable SkyPix Graphics Renditioning.
                               64 - Disable Text Translation. EVERYTHING is
                                    suppressed(Not Even Shown)

                               NOTE: You can ADD the above values together
                                     if you need to use MORE than ONE. For
                                     instance, 6 would mean do NOT use the
                                     Word Wrap AND the More prompt.

                        # uses: 0 - Arexx Multiple    Use
                                1 - Arexx Exclusive   Use
                                2 - CNet C Multiple   Use
                                3 - CNet C Exclusive  Use
                                4 - DOS Multiple      Use
                                5 - DOS Exclusive     Use
                                6 - Paragon Multiple  Use
                                7 - Paragon Exclusive Use

                                NOTE: 6 & 7 above only available in CNet
                                      versions GREATER than v2.63.

                        & uses: ONE SPACE MUST FOLLOW the & Symbol, like
                                these examples:
                                                    & WH
                                                    & T
                                                    & ST
                                                    & INF

                                NOTE: Stacked commands(like P;2;1) can NOT
                                      be used for a CNet Command Activity.

        path/filename = Where the file is LOCATED and what it's CALLED!

        NOTE: Remember, do NOT include the initial Control-Q or the final
              } character, as these will be added by the LogActs3 Main file
              itself. This was done so the "pfiles:LogActs3/Activities" file
              can be easily edited using any text editor.

        Pressing RETURN with NO data in this field will ABORT the Add.

3:  Min. Access Group:

        Should be a number between 0 and 23 (if using CNet 2.63), or between
        0 and 31 (if using CNet 2.65 or higher). This is the MINIMUM Access
        that is needed to run this Activity. For example, if an Activity has
        3 stated for "Min. Access Group", then any user with an Access Group
        of 0, 1, or 2 will NOT be able to Add that Activity to one of their

4:  Use PAUSE Bar? Yes or No

        Some Activities do not include a built-in PAUSE of there own, which
        will cause problems when run through LogActs3, due to the fact that
        the Main Command file CLEARS the SCREEN after each activity has been
        run BEFORE it's menu is redisplayed.

        Answer YES if a PAUSE BAR will be needed.

        Answer NO  if the PAUSE BAR will NOT be needed.

5:  More? Prompt OFF? Yes or No

        This option MAY allow you to DISABLE the More? prompt while using an
        activity, however it is possible the activity in question could in
        turn REENABLE the More? prompt. In any event, if disabled, the More?
        prompt will be reenabled after the activity has returned, provided
        the user had the More? prompt turned ON in the first place.

        Answer YES if you wish the MORE prompt turned OFF.

        Answer NO  if you wish the MORE prompt to be enabled.

        NOTE: If you wish to USE the More? prompt, and your activity is to
              display a text file, make sure you don't mistakenly DISABLE
              the More? prompt in step # 2 above(using the \@4 command).

6:  Create HELP File? Yes or No

        Logon Activities uses an EXTENSIVE OnLine Help Mode to make using
        the program as EASY as possible for your users. To further this
        idea, you can create a Help File for each activity. This would
        be a short text file describing what the activity is, which would
        allow the user to make a determination as to whether or not they
        would wish to Add that activity to one of their menus.

        To AID you in creating these Help Files, more than FOURTY (40)
        PRESET Help Files were included with this program, so when you
        answer YES to CREATE the Help file, you'll be asked if you wish to
        use one of the PRESET Help Files. They will be displayed on the
        screen for your perusal. If you find one you're looking for, you
        can simply type it's number, or else you can select the !GENERAL!
        help file by typing 1 or pressing RETURN without typing anything.

        If a PRESET Help File is chosen, it will be loaded into the CNet
        Editor for your inspection. Feel free to make any changes to this
        file that you see fit, then SAVE the Help File.

        The !GENERAL! Help File tells the user they should press a number
        from 1 thru 9 to select an activity.

        If you choose NOT to use a PRESET Help File, then a "blank" template
        Help File that is set up using the same format as the PRESET Help
        Files will be loaded into the editor. This may AID you in creating
        NEW Help Files when neccessary.

        I'll "TRY TO" include Help Files in any future releases of other
        programs I've written, so you can use them with THIS program. To
        create your OWN Help Files externally, simply use any text editor
        to create the file, then give it a filename which reflects what the
        program is about and copy the file into the "pfiles:LogActs3/PreSets/"
        directory. The next time you select a PRESET Help File, you should
        see your NEW Help File somewhere in the list.

    After you have answered these six questions, you'll be asked two more
questions to "finish up" the Add Activity process:

TEST Activity Now?
    Will TEST the MCI Command String you entered to make SURE the Activity
loads correctly, or if you'll need to tweak the settings some more.

SAVE Activity Now?
    You MUST answer YES to this question if you wish the Activity to be
added to your Activity List, else the whole Add Process will be aborted.


[K]ill Activity
    Allows to to REMOVE one or more Activities permanently. This option does
NOT actually REMOVE the entry from the actual "Activities" file, but will
change the status of the Activity to [DEL].

    The ORDER the LINES appear in the "Activities" file is VERY important, so
it is NOT a good idea to simply delete lines from the "Activities" file using
a text editor.

    Refer to the section below titled, "How the Program Works" for more info
on WHY the order is so important, as well as how to use the AMAINT and PURGE
programs correctly.


[E]dit Activity
    Allows you to edit any of the settings previously entered using the Add
feature above.

    In addition to the six pieces of info entered originally, you'll also
see a DATE. This DATE determines which activities are NEW to the user who
signs onto your system. The user's "Last Call Date" will be compared to this
date, and if this date falls AFTER the users' "Last Call Date", then the
LogActs3 Command File will alert them to NEW Activities, so they can choose
to ADD them to their existing menus. Selecting to Edit the DATE will update
the existing date to carry TODAY's date. DATE FORMAT: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS


[T]est Activity
    This is the same command used when Adding NEW Activities to TEST the
validity of your MCI Command String and Pause Bar settings. Placed here just
in case you need to use it again.


[H]elp On Activity
    This command simply allows you to view the HELP File associated with the
specified Activity. If NO Help File is found, you might wish to CREATE one,
however if NO Help File is created, the LogActs3 Command File will use a
default HELP file, so the users will be able to VIEW something. Type "0" to
view this DEFAULT Help File.


[D]efault Config Copy
    After you have ADDED all the Activities you think you'll need initially,
you should enter the LogActs3 command file(either by logging on again, or by
using the ACT command). The main LogActs3 command file will attempt to find
the file: "pfiles:LogActs3/_Default", which it won't find, because it doesn't
exist yet. The program will then "pack-fill" each menu until ALL Activities
have been placed in menus.

    Set up the menus the way you wish your "Default" scheme to look like for
NEW users to Logon Activities, then exit the main LogActs3 file, and reload
the Maint file(possibly using the 3ACT command).

    When you select [D]efault from this menu, YOUR current LogActs3 Config
will be COPIED into the "pfiles:LogActs3/" directory as the "_Default" Config
file. What this means is the next time a user enters LogActs3, they will use
YOUR Config for their default.

    This "Default" Config ability was added if there were Activities that you
wished your users to see AT LEAST ONCE, you could place them in the "Auto"
menu, so they would be executed at least once, before the users removed them
from the "Auto" menu themselves.

[Q]uit Maintenance
    Does JUST what it says it does!


How the Program Works?
    After you have created the initial "Activities" file, the program is
ready to be used by you and your users. Here's what happens when the file
is first entered by one of your users:

    Your Activity List is read in, then the Default Config file will be
adopted for that user. This default config is saved to their personal Mail
Box, using the filename "_LogActs3".

    Before they are taken to the initial menu for the first time, they are
asked if they wish to DOWNLOAD a copy of the "LogActs3.DOC", which is the
OnLine Instruction Manual.

    After this, they are presented with the initial LogActs3 Menu, unless
your "_Default" config had activities in the "Auto Menu", in which case they
would be executed first.

    On successive uses of the Logon Activities program, they will be taken
directly to the initial menu, skipping the DOWNLOAD request, however if you
have added NEW Activities since their Config file was first created, they
will be shown a list of the NEW Activities, so that they can choose to ADD
them to one or more of their menus if they want.

    The user's Config file does NOT contain the actual LOAD CODE for the
Activities they've chosen, but in fact contains the Activity's POSITION code
in the "Activities" file. So, if the user had "1 4 10" in their Menu 1, this
would mean they had the first, fourth, and tenth activities associated with
their Menu 1.

    If you should ever KILL an Activity from the "Activities" file, MAKE SURE
you do it using the "LogActs3.Maint" file, so that the "Activities" file is
properly edited for use with the "LogActs3.AMaint" file.

    The AMAINT File is written to look through your "Activities" file for
any DELETED Activities. If none are found, then the file is exited, but if
it should find that you've DELETED Activities, it will go through all the
user accounts on your bbs. Any account that has an existing "_LogActs3"
Config file will be UPDATED, so that if the DELETED Activity appeared in one
of the user's defined menus, it will be REMOVED, and the existing Activity
Positional Pointers will be updated.

    The "LogActs3.Purge" file was included in the event you wish to NO LONGER
use the Logon Activities file. The "Purge" file will DELETE the "_LogActs3"
Config file from any user account it happens to find it in. This file might
also be needed in the future if it becomes neccessary to change the format
of the "_LogActs3" Config file. If this should happen, I'll go into more
detail then.

Other Files & Info:
    Here's a breakdown of the files included in the archive and/or those
that will be created once the program has been used:

        pfiles:LogonActivities3             - (Main ARexx Command File)

        mail:users/1/_LogActs3              - (User's Config File)

        pfiles:LogActs3/                    - (LogActs3 Data Directory)

            pfiles:LogActs3/PreSets/        - (Contains PRESET Help Files)

            pfiles:LogActs3/MainMenu/       - (Main Menu Help Files)

            pfiles:LogActs3/MaintMenu/      - (Maintenance Menu Help Files)

            pfiles:LogActs3/ActsHelp/       - (Activities Help Files)

            pfiles:LogActs3/OldHelps/       - (Contains DELETED Help Files)
                                              (In Case You Want To KEEP!!!)

            pfiles:LogActs3/Activities      - (ALL Available Activities)

            pfiles:LogActs3/Help.Template   - (Empty !GENERAL! Help File)

            pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.AMaint - (AMAINT ARexx Command File)

            pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.Maint  - (MAINT ARexx Command File)

            pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.DOC    - (OnLine Instruction Manual)

            pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.LHA    - (Instruction Manual LHA Packed)

            pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.ZIP    - (Instruction Manual ZIP Packed)

            pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.Purge  - (KILLS "_LogActs3" Files)

            pfiles:LogActs3/LogActs3.README!- (This Text File)

            pfiles:LogActs3/Update_v32_to_v34 - (Used in converting from
                                                 v3.2 to v3.4 only!)

    The "_LogActs3" Config file resides in the user's defined UUCP Directory,
and NOT simply the user's ID directory.  If the user should ever change their
UUCP Name, the program will still know where to find the Config file.

    If you're a SysOp who tries to help their users as often as possible,
then I'd suggest YOU creating a presentable looking Config file of your OWN,
then tell the users they can "Borrow" and "Adopt" YOUR Config, if it appeals
to them.

    You really don't NEED to run the AMAINT File every night, if you don't
mind running it every time you DELETE an Activity from the "Activities" file.
It's only used to UPDATE the user's Config files, so they won't see DELETED
ACTIVITY in their menus.

The "Activities" File Format:
    If you wish to edit this file outside the Maint file, here's some info
to help you figure out how the file is set up:

Line 1: Total Number of Activity Lines to Follow
Line 2: First  Activity Line
Line 3: Second Activity Line, and so on.

Each Activity Line follows this format:



    DATE = YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, so July 2, 1994 10:25:34 -> 19940702102534

       | = Vertical Concat Bar (Shift-Back Slash)

    LOAD = MCI Load String, MINUS the Control-Q and terminating } symbol.

       | = Vertical Concat Bar (Shift-Back Slash)

    NAME = Name that will appear in Logon Activities Menus.

       | = Vertical Concat Bar (Shift-Back Slash)

   PAUSE = Use Pause Bar? (1=Yes, 0=No) [ MUST be either a 1 or a 0 ]

       | = Vertical Concat Bar (Shift-Back Slash)

   GROUP = Minimum Access Group to Allow Use of (Between 0 and 23/31)

       | = Vertical Concat Bar (Shift-Back Slash)

    MORE = Disable use of the More? prompt. (1=Yes, 0=No) [ MUST be 1 or 0 ]

       | = Vertical Concat Bar (Shift-Back Slash)

    JUNK = A lower case "x" character to keep spacing correct.

If an Activity is needed to be deleted, REPLACE the Activity Line with this


Then run the AMAINT Module.

Here's a short example "Activities" file for reference:

19930919101002|#1pfiles:AutoMessage2|Auto Message|0|0|1|x
19930919101003|*0gfiles:BBS_Stats4|Frontiers Statistics|0|0|1|x
19930919101004|#0pfiles:Top10Lists/Top10List|Letterman's Top Ten|1|0|1|x
19930919101007|*0gfiles:Call_Log|User Call Log|1|0|1|x
19930919101009|#2pfiles:bbs/vote|Check NEW Voting|0|0|1|x
19930920101011|#6pfiles:GlobalWar/GlobalWar|Paragon Global War|0|0|1|x

That's It! I Hope!
    Well, I believe I've covered all the bases, or at least I HOPE that I've
covered all the bases, but if there's something you don't understand, or you
encounter a problem I wasn't able to find, let me know.

    I've tried to make this file as easy to understand and use as possible.
If you like this file, or think it needs something else to make it even MORE
outstanding, please feel free to contact me!

            Written by Dotoran of Frontiers BBS (716)/823-9892!
                       Last Modified: July 2, 1994!

Contents of comm/net/LogActs34.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  410     934  43.9% -lh5- 7683 Feb 19  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/ActsHelp/!FRONTIERS!
[generic]                  128     192  66.7% -lh5- 2738 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MainMenu/help.1.1
[generic]                  122     191  63.9% -lh5- 4fa9 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MainMenu/help.1.2
[generic]                  136     189  72.0% -lh5- 4559 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MainMenu/help.1.6
[generic]                  148     220  67.3% -lh5- 20ee Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MainMenu/help.1.7
[generic]                  131     179  73.2% -lh5- e39e Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MainMenu/help.1.8
[generic]                  183     284  64.4% -lh5- 7e3d Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.1
[generic]                  201     311  64.6% -lh5- 395c Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.12
[generic]                  404     737  54.8% -lh5- a857 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.13
[generic]                  136     189  72.0% -lh5- 4559 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.14
[generic]                  132     195  67.7% -lh5- ea7a Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.15
[generic]                  117     144  81.2% -lh5- 3b7f Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.16
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- 386e Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.2
[generic]                  167     264  63.3% -lh5- ff80 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.3
[generic]                  263     445  59.1% -lh5- e2ff Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.4
[generic]                  203     315  64.4% -lh5- ce90 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.5
[generic]                  216     379  57.0% -lh5- 82cb Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.6
[generic]                  190     278  68.3% -lh5- 1217 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.7
[generic]                  351     565  62.1% -lh5- be77 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/MaintMenu/help.2.8
[generic]                  410     934  43.9% -lh5- 7683 Feb 19  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/OldHelps/!FRONTIERS!
[generic]                  113     147  76.9% -lh5- 02e2 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/!GENERAL!
[generic]                  316     565  55.9% -lh5- 3b1f Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Activity_Monitor
[generic]                  261     434  60.1% -lh5- 2f2d Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Assassin
[generic]                  212     421  50.4% -lh5- d83d Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Auto_Message
[generic]                  306     529  57.8% -lh5- 09ab Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/BBS_Stats
[generic]                  280     471  59.4% -lh5- acbc Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Call_Logger
[generic]                  146     210  69.5% -lh5- b76a Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_AC_Command
[generic]                  271     499  54.3% -lh5- 243d Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_AG_Command
[generic]                  361     675  53.5% -lh5- f0cd Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_AM_Command
[generic]                  188     301  62.5% -lh5- 0f32 Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_CR_Command
[generic]                  184     283  65.0% -lh5- b999 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_INF_Command
[generic]                  193     299  64.5% -lh5- e91a Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_ST_Command
[generic]                  235     393  59.8% -lh5- b718 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_T_Command
[generic]                  208     332  62.7% -lh5- b559 Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/CNet_Totals
[generic]                  159     274  58.0% -lh5- 3124 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Computer_Definitions
[generic]                  310     529  58.6% -lh5- 7874 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Dirty_Jokes_Database
[generic]                  254     436  58.3% -lh5- d519 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Dirty_Limmericks
[generic]                  227     361  62.9% -lh5- 3ea8 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Empire
[generic]                  248     397  62.5% -lh5- d115 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Excalibur
[generic]                  333     573  58.1% -lh5- b398 Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Flux_Point_Yank
[generic]                  196     303  64.7% -lh5- f622 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Game_Room
[generic]                  211     317  66.6% -lh5- 8a44 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Global_War_CNet
[generic]                  195     298  65.4% -lh5- 54e8 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Global_War_Paragon
[generic]                  208     329  63.2% -lh5- a217 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Hack_&_Slash
[generic]                  198     319  62.1% -lh5- 84ec Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Hacker
[generic]                  256     428  59.8% -lh5- 3a14 Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Handle_Bars
[generic]                  210     366  57.4% -lh5- cd47 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/King_Of_The_Mountain
[generic]                  262     446  58.7% -lh5- 0a5b Jun 27  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Lettermans_Top_Ten
[generic]                  296     532  55.6% -lh5- f8ec Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Murder_Motel
[generic]                  380     674  56.4% -lh5- ed2e Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Online_Football
[generic]                  185     294  62.9% -lh5- 8e01 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Phantasy_Star
[generic]                  162     243  66.7% -lh5- d4f0 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Random_Quotes
[generic]                  221     365  60.5% -lh5- a0a0 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Space_Empire_DSE
[generic]                  178     262  67.9% -lh5- 5835 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Stock_Market
[generic]                  338     582  58.1% -lh5- ecc1 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Suggestion_Box
[generic]                  348     591  58.9% -lh5- 9794 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/SysOp_List
[generic]                  183     274  66.8% -lh5- 11c8 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Trade_Wars
[generic]                  232     362  64.1% -lh5- 7edc Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Trek_Quotes
[generic]                  279     478  58.4% -lh5- 1c4b Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/User_Logs
[generic]                  205     342  59.9% -lh5- b2de Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Voting_Check_New
[generic]                  204     316  64.6% -lh5- 5c76 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/War_Botz!
[generic]                  365     648  56.3% -lh5- 5917 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Wheel_Of_Fortune
[generic]                  245     380  64.5% -lh5- 9d38 Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Who_Long_Listing
[generic]                  219     348  62.9% -lh5- 3746 Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Who_Normal_Listing
[generic]                  196     292  67.1% -lh5- 4fb2 Jun 30  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Who_Short_Listing
[generic]                   80     101  79.2% -lh5- 44cd Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/Help.Template
[generic]                 1510    3863  39.1% -lh5- bb13 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/LogActs3.AMaint
[generic]                 6824   19105  35.7% -lh5- 5f3a Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/LogActs3.DOC
[generic]                 6861    6861 100.0% -lh0- 42d3 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/LogActs3.LHA
[generic]                  230     380  60.5% -lh5- 1fc5 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Young_Guns
[generic]                  187     282  66.3% -lh5- c579 Jun 28  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/PreSets/Yuppie_Wars
[generic]                  410     934  43.9% -lh5- 7683 Feb 19  1994 !FRONTIERS!
[generic]                 1109    2734  40.6% -lh5- 3ace Jul  2  1994 !read_me_first!
[generic]                 4858   12070  40.2% -lh5- b976 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3.HISTORY!
[generic]                 7956   22971  34.6% -lh5- 6faa Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3.README!
[generic]                 3619   13089  27.6% -lh5- a056 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/LogActs3.Maint
[generic]                  518    1052  49.2% -lh5- 99dd Jul  2  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/LogActs3.Purge
[generic]                 6855    6855 100.0% -lh0- b1e4 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogActs3/LogActs3.ZIP
[generic]                 9790   35268  27.8% -lh5- ee19 Jul  3  1994 pfiles/LogonActivities3
[generic]                 1878    6112  30.7% -lh5- 0949 Jul  3  1994 Update_v32_to_v34
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        80 files   67634  156720  43.2%            Jul 10  1994
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