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.-----------[ LiThIuM SyStEmS ]----------.
| PrOgRaM : Freedom Translator |
| VeRsIoN : V0.05 beta |
| Author : Cristian Robert Gallas |
| NickName : SuRRouND |
| Email : surround@iname.com |
| DaTe : 20/10/1998 |
`--------------------------------[ lI! ]-'
This program was developed to solve a problem properly I seriate for
a lot of people, as we know most of the texts distributed in the Internet
they are in English, and a lot of times we still came across texts in
German, Spanish among other languages, that utilitarian vein to break
those barriers, that version still non finishing nor 30% than the
original project intends to do, that, report bugs collaborates and giving
suggestions, as soon as possible we will maintain everybody informed of
new updates.
That version was made initially to be rotated saw AmigaDOS
allowing an immense flexibility in the tool, could be enclosed Dopus 4
directly, Dopus 5, Shell, Arexx, and tie enclosed to new tools.
0 - English for French
1 - English for German
2 - English for Italian
3 - English for Portuguese
4 - English for Spanish
5 - French for English
6 - German for English
7 - Italian for English
8 - Spanish for English
9 - Portuguese for English
ARexx scripts interface integrations
* Fully integration with Amirc (IRC client)
* Fully integration with Aweb (WWW Client)
* Fully integration with IBrowser (WWW Client)
* Fully integration with Yam (E-Mail Client)
* Fully integration with Final Writer (Text Editor)
* Fully integration with WordWorth (Text Editor)
Bug Reports : surround@iname.com
"More information read FTranslator.Guide"
Remember, this is a beta version!