NetStat2AmIRC - The interface for MiamiNetStat and AmIRC
· Introduction:
Since it is so "up-to-date" nowadays to enter foreign computers and hack
around, so why not be able to check your ports now and then ?
MiamiNetStat does that very well, but it's a CLI command, and a pain to
use by itself. NetStat2AmIRC displays the output of MiamiNetStat nicely
in the active AmIRC (for all of you IRC addicted ones!!) window, so you
can check your ports at any time.
· Features:
- Displays active ports list of your connection.
- Optional displaying of server connections (own sockets).
· Requires at least:
- Miami including MiamiNetStat
- AmIRC2.0 (but should work with earlier versions also)
- RexxMast active.
- An Amiga computer, what else ? ;)
· Contact:
If you have suggestions, comments or bug reports, send them to:
Frank Meyer-Pfauder
For the latest version, check Aminet, within /comm/irc.
Also see my other program, YAM2AmIRC, at:
· History:
- v1.0 first public release.