CBA_RockMe_1999.lzh |
mods/misc |
789 |
1.1M |
2008-08-12 |
Rock Me by CBA 1999 Electro - (readme) |
CBA_Societys_Enemy.lzh |
mods/misc |
775 |
122K |
2008-08-12 |
Electro 242 - Societies Enemy 1999 - (readme) |
CentralPark.lha |
mods/misc |
1392 |
379K |
2019-03-01 |
4ch LN2 Central Park Uncompressed - (readme) |
CentralSqr.lha |
mods/misc |
550 |
141K |
1993-02-25 |
House tune composed by Itiitrix of InterFace. - (readme) |
Cesium.lha |
1.0 |
mods/misc |
475 |
86K |
1995-05-06 |
Module by Tune TNT - (readme) |
cestmara.lha |
mods/misc |
494 |
59K |
1997-02-14 |
C\'Est Marrantz - (readme) |
changes.lha |
mods/misc |
529 |
1.0M |
1999-08-31 |
16bit highqualty XM mod by FantaProd - (readme) |
Charless.lha |
mods/misc |
479 |
9K |
1996-01-07 |
Module by Tomastik #TheEnd - (readme) |
ChaseHq.lha |
mods/misc |
498 |
39K |
1994-08-07 |
Misc mod by Mat Furniss **+ - (readme) |
CheekyTwins.JK.lha |
mods/misc |
475 |
100K |
1995-01-10 |
TFMX-module by Jan Krolzig - (readme) |
chiccy.lha |
mods/misc |
566 |
305K |
1995-11-19 |
A module by Azazel of DualCrewShining. 4 channels - (readme) |
Chickensong.lha |
mods/misc |
570 |
59K |
1994-08-07 |
Gag mod by Vision ** - (readme) |
ChildsNightmar.lha |
mods/misc |
506 |
112K |
1995-12-20 |
Psychedelic MOD by Kengi Ben David - (readme) |
chinese.lha |
mods/misc |
522 |
18K |
1995-04-26 |
Chinese lil-synth-tune by h0llyw00d. :) - (readme) |
chinook.lha |
mods/misc |
493 |
106K |
1996-08-26 |
Chinook by Elf/LED - (readme) |
chipola2.lha |
mods/misc |
549 |
4K |
1997-01-23 |
4 channel PTM module by Jeano / BCD - (readme) |
ChopSui.lha |
mods/misc |
510 |
18K |
1994-08-07 |
Gag mod ***+ - (readme) |
Chriminey.lha |
mods/misc |
491 |
115K |
1997-10-25 |
Mod by Osborne - (readme) |
chrush.lha |
mods/misc |
566 |
106K |
1992-06-09 |
An ST/NT/PT module - (readme) |
chz_destruct.lha |
mods/misc |
487 |
217K |
1997-12-12 |
Chavez - De.Destruction (4ch pt) - (readme) |
CiemnaStronaMusic.lha |
1.0 |
mods/misc |
796 |
1.0M |
2006-09-28 |
Music from game Ciemna Strona - (readme) |
ClappingMusic.lha |
mods/misc |
545 |
3K |
1994-08-07 |
Misc mod by Kevan R.Craft ** - (readme) |
ClassicalMusic.lha |
mods/misc |
927 |
128K |
1992-11-23 |
Three classical mods - (readme) |
ClassixOnTheFr.lha |
mods/misc |
484 |
209K |
1994-08-07 |
Polka mod by The Weasel ***+ - (readme) |
CleanMachine.lha |
mods/misc |
480 |
16K |
1995-07-27 |
CleanMachine, Part two of the machine-module triology - (readme) |
Clouds.lha |
mods/misc |
523 |
62K |
1996-08-24 |
Tune by DJ Quad-C - (readme) |
cloudwal.lha |
mods/misc |
481 |
112K |
1997-02-12 |
4 channel PTM module by Jeano / BCD - (readme) |
Cloudwalker777.lha |
mods/misc |
480 |
76K |
1994-08-07 |
Techno mod *** - (readme) |
Club80.lha |
mods/misc |
816 |
64K |
2021-05-02 |
Club 80 4ch Synth Disco by HKvalhe - (readme) |
Club80v2.lha |
mods/misc |
863 |
72K |
2021-05-09 |
Club 80 Correct 4ch version by HKvalhe - (readme) |
Club82.lha |
mods/misc |
731 |
70K |
2021-05-24 |
Club 82 4ch Synth Disco by HKvalhe - (readme) |
coldbrain.lha |
mods/misc |
486 |
29K |
1999-01-17 |
A monobrained xm-mod by sbf/phx - (readme) |
coldjev.lha |
mods/misc |
573 |
1K |
1995-11-19 |
A module by Azazel of DualCrewShining. 4 channels - (readme) |
cold_blood.lha |
mods/misc |
495 |
125K |
1998-06-26 |
Ominous orchestral piece - (readme) |
comet.lha |
mods/misc |
493 |
36K |
1992-11-17 |
An ST/NT/PT module - (readme) |
come_on.lha |
mods/misc |
540 |
115K |
1997-02-16 |
4 channel PTM module by Jan R. Haugan - (readme) |
Complications.lha |
mods/misc |
469 |
45K |
1993-03-18 |
Module - (readme) |
concrete_waves.lha |
mods/misc |
497 |
151K |
1997-12-06 |
Remember \"Jay\'s Song\" from Sonix?? ... Here it is, With ATTITUDE! - (readme) |
Confused.lha |
mods/misc |
466 |
79K |
1993-02-07 |
Module - (readme) |
ConJustice.lha |
mods/misc |
519 |
400K |
1999-10-14 |
DBM synthesizer by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Productions - (readme) |
Copyrighting.lha |
mods/misc |
473 |
22K |
1998-02-27 |
One of Knugglers super-hits! Have fun! - (readme) |
CornFlakes.lzh |
mods/misc |
506 |
229K |
1993-11-25 |
A mod done by qnzqn - (readme) |
Cornyest.lha |
mods/misc |
490 |
57K |
1994-07-04 |
MOD Music file composed by THE MIXER - (readme) |
corruption.lha |
mods/misc |
488 |
239K |
1996-04-26 |
Sinister Industrial type thang..= Sensei) - (readme) |
CountisTunes.lha |
mods/misc |
471 |
64K |
1993-01-05 |
Module - (readme) |
Covid19.lha |
mods/misc |
1241 |
2.1M |
2020-04-24 |
Covid-19 4ch Hip Hop by HKvalhe - (readme) |
Cpgiada5.lha |
mods/misc |
477 |
86K |
1994-08-07 |
Misc mod *** - (readme) |
CPLoader.lha |
mods/misc |
1245 |
339K |
2019-03-01 |
4ch LN2 Central Park Loader Uncompressed - (readme) |
Crack.lha |
1 |
mods/misc |
509 |
80K |
2001-09-20 |
Custom module from \"Crack\" - (readme) |
Crackattack.lha |
mods/misc |
504 |
120K |
1997-01-31 |
A Module Created Using Octamed V. - (readme) |