84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
HIPC.Astaroth.lha mods/misc 622 27K 1996-12-20 generic icon Hippel module EaglePlayer/Delitracker - (readme)
hippelsongs.lha mods/misc 456 468K 1993-05-13 generic icon 17 songs made by Juergen Hippel - (readme)
hitmen.lha mods/misc 454 489K 1992-08-15 generic icon HitMen Mod from the unknown guy - (readme)
HK-Paradise.lha mods/misc 386 64K 1997-02-24 generic icon A new terrific module made by Mike F - (readme)
Hoffipolkka.lha mods/misc 374 26K 1995-04-15 generic icon Mod by Heatbeat - (readme)
hotdog.lha mods/misc 398 43K 1998-06-26 generic icon Happy tune with flutes and trumpets - (readme)
Houseuhhh2.lha mods/misc 412 208K 1994-08-07 generic icon House mod **** - (readme)
HowDeepIsDeep.lha mods/misc 403 21K 1995-12-08 generic icon House mod by Godbrain **** - (readme)
HQC_intro.lha 1 mods/misc 444 23K 2001-03-24 generic icon Custom module from \"High Quality Cracking\" intro - (readme)
HubaLuba.lzh mods/misc 508 72K 1992-08-15 generic icon A bouncy Game style Module (mod). Cute and a half. - (readme)
HumanMachines.lha mods/misc 434 69K 1994-08-07 generic icon Dark mod by Mindless **+ - (readme)
Humpf.lha mods/misc 394 33K 1999-01-17 generic icon Nice synth-style xm-mod by sbf/phx - (readme)
Humpty_dumpty.lha mods/misc 399 332K 1995-03-17 generic icon 4th Module from Primavera\'95 party - (readme)
HuntingSheWolf.lzh mods/misc 385 253K 1993-03-24 generic icon Module by Saint Shoe - (readme)
hw-acou.lha mods/misc 408 41K 1995-11-07 generic icon \"Acoustic 1790-1990\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
hw-beli.lha mods/misc 406 22K 1995-11-07 generic icon \"Believe\", from Valhalla\'s PC 64k intro \"Believe\". :) - (readme)
hw-cair.lha mods/misc 437 343K 1995-07-26 generic icon \"LondonCairoFuji\", ethnicjungle MOD by Hollywood, 2nd at SIH95. - (readme)
hw-djan.lha mods/misc 460 209K 1995-10-26 generic icon \"Django\" by Hollywood, 3rd= at Digital Symposium 95 - junglist! - (readme)
hw-eski.lha mods/misc 537 25K 1995-11-07 generic icon \"Eskimo Logic\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
hw-ethe.lha mods/misc 381 75K 1995-11-07 generic icon \"Ether Symphony\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
hw-ethn.lha mods/misc 417 373K 1996-01-10 generic icon \"Ethnik\" by Hollywood - ethnic funk trip-hop jungle. :P - (readme)
hw-ramj.lha mods/misc 407 59K 1995-11-07 generic icon Synthy crackleboppercussive dream by Hollywood. :) - (readme)
hw-real.lha mods/misc 423 48K 1995-11-07 generic icon \"Real Life\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
hw-reju.lha mods/misc 413 71K 1995-11-07 generic icon \"Rejuvenation Jazz\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
hw-spil.lha mods/misc 404 129K 1995-11-10 generic icon \"Spilt Milk\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
hw-stin.lha mods/misc 428 236K 1996-02-04 generic icon \"Stingray\", synth/mellow/trance by Hollywood, from TP5 TBL demo. - (readme)
hw-symp.lha mods/misc 426 77K 1995-06-17 generic icon Orchestral, waterfilled MOD by h0llywood. :) - (readme)
hw-tita.lha mods/misc 402 77K 1995-11-10 generic icon \"Titanium Leaf-Prints\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
hw-voya.lha mods/misc 419 155K 1995-11-10 generic icon \"Voyager\", from Hollywood\'s musicdisc \"T+E\". - (readme)
Hyperatlantic.lha mods/misc 411 369K 1997-09-11 generic icon ProTracker module by AMiVAG - (readme)
hz.lha mods/misc 414 310K 1998-07-17 generic icon Dream dbm-module by Jaan/PHanTasy - (readme)
ia-outlw.lha mods/misc 570 588K 1997-07-12 generic icon [iA] rel. #112 - Outlaw - Drum`n`Bass module (XM) by Casi & Krylon - (readme)
ia-rhesu.lha mods/misc 397 606K 1997-07-12 generic icon [iA] rel. #114 - Rhesus minus - Drum`n`Bass module (XM) by Casi - (readme)
ia-scoil.lha mods/misc 396 495K 1997-07-12 generic icon [iA] rel. #108 - Scully\'s optical illusion - Drum`n`Bass module (XM) by Casi - (readme)
ia-smw.lha mods/misc 482 291K 1997-07-12 generic icon [iA] rel. #110 - 6 Million Ways - Drum`n`Bass module (XM) by Krylon - (readme)
ia-tc.lha mods/misc 402 619K 1997-05-30 generic icon [iA] rel. #103 - Teflon Cloudz - Drum`n`Bass module (XM) by Krylon - (readme)
Iainonics.lha mods/misc 412 289K 1996-10-13 generic icon By one of 'Many More' & Iain - (readme)
Idontknow.lha mods/misc 382 47K 1999-04-25 generic icon 8ch XM mod by sBf (Slarti) - Slarti Synth-Style - (readme)
idpz.lha mods/misc 401 98K 1998-01-05 generic icon \'Into Dark Park Zoo\'. tWiLEk/rAMjAM 94 - (readme)
if_i.lzh mods/misc 462 1.3M 1999-05-23 generic icon An easy listening fusion 16bit mod - (readme)
igelkott.lzh mods/misc 378 58K 1993-02-17 generic icon Soundtracker mod from boing - (readme)
ihan.lha mods/misc 409 531K 1998-06-15 generic icon Ihan - multichannel winner at Abduction 98 - (readme)
IK24.lha mods/misc 446 61K 2024-09-23 generic icon 16bit 4ch IK epic theme by HKvalhe - (readme)
Iloinen_Laulu.lha mods/misc 591 113K 1994-06-14 generic icon Mod by Unknown Artist from Exodus \"Little Vecs\" (rock/heavy) - (readme)
ILoveYou.lha mods/misc 380 165K 2000-09-01 generic icon Roger Hartig\'s private mod creations - (readme)
Imperium.lha mods/misc 402 128K 1995-05-29 generic icon Imperium -*- Created By MoBY - (readme)
ImpMission2.lha 1 mods/misc 424 11K 2001-08-31 generic icon Custom module from \"Impossible Mission II\" - (readme)
imr_c64.lha mods/misc 455 32K 1995-06-14 generic icon C=64 music remix by M.Demski - (readme)
In-No-Sense2.lha mods/misc 398 161K 1996-07-31 generic icon Fast+Frenetic PT module by FeekZoid - (readme)
Incredible.lha mods/misc 392 289K 1995-06-02 generic icon RMX/[Death] mod: Great 1st demolike Megamod - (readme)
Found 1558 matching packages
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