| |
2011-05-24 |
misc/os |
3866 |
1.0M |
2011-05-26 |
Latest AROS 68k ROMs and boot disk - (readme) |
AfAOS4.8.lha |
4.8 |
misc/os |
5898 |
2.2M |
2019-06-28 |
AROS for AmigaOS - (readme) | |
1.0.3 |
misc/os |
3218 |
282M |
2013-07-30 |
AROS-ORCA (m68k) Summer Version (German) - (readme) | |
1.97 |
misc/os |
1328 |
127M |
2012-12-28 |
AspireOS codename "Revelation" - (readme) | |
1.9 |
misc/os |
1221 |
66M |
2012-06-06 |
AspireOS update - (readme) |
Debian-31r8-m68k-hdf.tar.bz2 |
3.1r8 |
misc/os |
2726 |
129M |
2010-10-16 |
Debian m68k autoboot hdf for WinUAE - (readme) |
Debian-9.0-m68k.bz2 |
9.0 |
misc/os |
1509 |
147M |
2017-11-23 |
Debian (unstable) - (readme) |
debian-install.iso.bz2 |
misc/os |
259 |
10M |
2024-06-02 |
Debian 3.0 boot CD for AmigaOne SE/XE - (readme) |
debian-m68k-1.tar.gz |
3.1r8 |
misc/os |
2553 |
91M |
2009-10-01 |
Debian Linux m68k - (readme) |
Debian31r8X11-21r5-hdf.tar.bz2 |
3.1r8/2.1r5 |
misc/os |
2863 |
145M |
2010-10-16 |
Debian with X11 autoboot hdf for WinUAE - (readme) |
Euro-Update.lha |
misc/os |
2497 |
424K |
2021-11-13 |
Official Euro-Update for AmigaOS 2.1+ - (readme) |
IcarosLive-2.2.1.tar.bz2 |
2.2.1 |
misc/os |
1979 |
1903M |
2017-11-19 |
Icaros Desktop LIVE! - (readme) |
IcarosLive_2_2_8.tar.bz2 |
2.2.8 |
misc/os |
41447 |
2323M |
2020-05-04 |
Icaros Desktop LIVE! - (readme) |
linux2.6.28-m68k-amiga.tar.bz2 |
2.6.28 |
misc/os |
2206 |
5.9M |
2009-01-16 |
Linux 2.6.28 m68k (Amiga, fixed) - (readme) |
linux2.6.28-m68k-bliz.tar.bz2 |
2.6.28 m68k bliz |
misc/os |
1841 |
6.2M |
2009-01-13 |
Linux 2.6.28 m68k (Blizzard/Cyberstorm) - (readme) |
Minix_Amiga.tgz |
1.5.10 |
misc/os |
4723 |
2.8M |
2005-07-22 |
Open source, Unix-like operating system - (readme) | |
1.5.10 |
misc/os |
1509 |
2.2M |
2006-08-12 |
Documentation and FAQs for Amiga Minix - (readme) |
Minix_Amiga_Upd92.tgz | |
misc/os |
4219 |
669K |
2006-08-12 |
Update Minix 1.5.10 to - (readme) |
NetBSD-7.1-amiga.tar.bz2 |
7.1 |
misc/os |
1852 |
191M |
2017-11-17 |
NetBSD - (readme) |
netbsdamiga92.hdf.gz |
9.2 |
misc/os |
5500 |
204M |
2021-08-28 |
NetBSD/amiga 9.2 autoboot HDF - (readme) |
newkernel.lha |
misc/os |
7175 |
1.0M |
2002-12-29 |
GNU/GPL updated kernel for AMIthlon - (readme) |
newkernel2.lha |
misc/os |
6924 |
1.0M |
2003-04-26 |
GNU/GPL updated kernel for AMIthlon - (readme) | |
3.2 |
misc/os |
2147 |
91M |
2006-08-12 |
Final version of OpenBSD/amiga - (readme) |
posgg2.lha |
misc/os |
5308 |
975K |
1997-09-02 |
New files for p.OS Developer release - (readme) |
posinstall.lha |
misc/os |
5015 |
69K |
1997-09-02 |
Installskript for p.OS PreRelease - (readme) |
ppc-dev-4619.lha |
misc/os |
5427 |
1.8M |
1998-07-27 |
V46.19 ppc.library DEVELOPER archive - (readme) |
ppc-user-09042000.lha |
46.31 (09.04.2000) |
misc/os |
4864 |
93K |
2015-03-27 |
PPC Library - User Archive (Phase 5) - (readme) |
Remus_FR.lha |
1.81 |
misc/os |
1099 |
10K |
2023-04-29 |
French catalogs for Remus & ROMsplit - (readme) |
Updateto314.lha |
46.5 |
misc/os |
6718 |
10K |
2018-10-13 |
Updates AmigaOS 3.1/5/9 with 3.1.4 - (readme) |
WarpUP_V40.lha |
4.0 |
misc/os |
5851 |
1.6M |
1999-05-25 |
WarpUP Release 4.0 - (readme) |
WarpUP_V40Upd.lha |
4.0 |
misc/os |
4936 |
546K |
1999-05-25 |
WarpUP Release 4.0 Update - (readme) |
WarpUP_V51Upd.lha |
5.1 |
misc/os |
5875 |
507K |
2001-12-19 |
WarpUP Release 5.1 Update - (readme) |