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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
Anthrax.lha CardSet 4 game/data 4988 580K 1999-07-14 generic icon Anthrax cardset for klondike deluxe - (readme)
AODsnds.lha game/data 4854 1.3M 1997-08-21 generic icon Army of Darkness sounds for Worms:DC - (readme)
AOG_15.lha 1.5 game/data 5377 3.7M 2001-03-23 generic icon Abode of Golgotha - Addon for Heretic II - (readme)
arena.lha game/data 2022 270K 1997-06-13 generic icon New Arena for BurnOut. - (readme)
arenas.lha game/data 1434 586K 2016-07-10 generic icon New Arenas for BurnOut - (readme)
armageddonsword.lha game/data 1224 179K 2008-06-27 generic icon A Megazeux game called Armageddon Sword - (readme)
arobowars3d.lha game/data 1197 1.0M 2008-06-27 generic icon ASCII Robo Wars 3D for Megazeux - (readme)
ArtCards.lha game/data 1233 626K 1995-03-07 generic icon New Cardset for REKO-Klondike I,II & III - (readme)
ArtistsCards2.lha game/data 1177 534K 1996-01-25 generic icon Another Cardset for KLONDIKE III - (readme)
AS-Hemp.lha 1.00 (04-May-2003) game/data 1112 567K 2003-05-09 generic icon Cardset for AS-..... compatible games - (readme)
AS3Images.lha game/data 1138 43K 1996-11-16 generic icon More images for ASokoban 3. - (readme)
AS3Levels.lha game/data 1121 6K 1996-11-16 generic icon More levels for ASokoban 3. - (readme)
AstroWorms.lha game/data 1236 28K 1996-01-17 generic icon 2 Moon levels for Worms. - (readme)
ASweepAquar.lha 1.0 game/data 1071 13K 1998-10-19 generic icon Brushes for A_Sweeper with Aquaricon. - (readme)
AS_Cockpit98.lha game/data 1083 13K 1998-03-28 generic icon F1GP Cockpit Design - (readme)
AS_Cockpits.lha game/data 1089 75K 1996-12-21 generic icon F1GP Cockpit Designs For Each 1996 Team - (readme)
AS_Cockpits_97.lha game/data 1068 118K 1997-04-19 generic icon F1GP Cockpit Designs For Each 1997 Team - (readme)
atracks.lha game/data 908 22K 1998-12-10 generic icon 10 Tracks for Aerial Racers - (readme)
atracks2.lha game/data 924 31K 1998-11-06 generic icon 12 tracks for AerialRacers - (readme)
atwrmlev.lha game/data 746 188K 1996-02-28 generic icon A collection of WORMS custom levels. - (readme)
aws_bkg_1.lha game/data 728 383K 1997-03-09 generic icon Replacement BKG Files for F1GP - (readme)
aws_bkg_2.lha game/data 791 305K 1997-03-29 generic icon Replacement Track BKG Files for F1GP - (readme)
A_GoldenTouch.lha game/data 798 20K 1997-01-20 generic icon A Golden Touch : An awkward worms level - (readme)
A_SweeperNI4.lha 1.0 game/data 706 7K 1998-11-10 generic icon Brushes for A_Sweeper with NewIcon V4 - (readme)
Babyworm.lha game/data 777 43K 1996-02-27 generic icon Worms: The Killing Gardens of Babyworm - (readme)
BattleWRM.lha game/data 745 29K 1997-04-12 generic icon Battle ground level for worms. - (readme)
Bat_sni.lha game/data 824 3K 2000-03-07 generic icon Sniper cfg for Quake1TF - (readme)
bbw.lha game/data 813 600K 1997-11-15 generic icon BBW Cardset for use with Klondike AGA - (readme)
bdaeshdata.lha game/data 757 125K 1996-12-28 generic icon Sfx for use with BoulderDaesh - (readme)
BDaeshXPack.lha game/data 1015 257K 2009-12-10 generic icon Original (fixed) Maps for Boulder Daesh - (readme)
bdgfx.lha game/data 725 70K 1997-12-08 generic icon Graphic styles for BoulderDaesh - (readme)
bdstuff.lha game/data 725 53K 1996-07-10 generic icon Game,gfx+sfx for use with BoulderDaesh - (readme)
Bdynamite.lha 6.5 game/data 735 216K 2001-09-20 generic icon Dynamite: Improved style/graphics module - (readme)
BdynamiteMplb.lha 1.0 game/data 713 6K 2001-07-02 generic icon Graphics style for Dynamite maplab - (readme)
bd_gfx.lha game/data 730 8K 1996-03-09 generic icon Graphic sets and fonts for BoulderDaesh - (readme)
BD_Styles2.lha game/data 772 24K 1997-03-16 generic icon 8 all-new styles for BoulderDaesh - (readme)
BeautyREKO.lha game/data 965 564K 1995-01-30 generic icon Cardset for KlondikeAGA - Real Beauties - (readme)
BenDisk4.lha game/data 2383 23K 2008-09-26 generic icon New levels for Benefactor now in .ADF! - (readme)
better_worms.lha game/data 692 450K 1996-03-05 generic icon New [AURA!] sound \FX/ for Worm - (readme)
BikiniCards.lha game/data 876 590K 1995-01-06 generic icon New card set for Klondike AGA - (readme)
BILevel.lha game/data 833 102K 1994-08-30 generic icon New (home-made) levels for Battle Isle I - (readme)
birds3.lha game/data 760 585K 2003-04-03 generic icon IFF-Cardset for AS* games - (readme)
BirdsReko.lha game/data 781 549K 1995-04-19 generic icon Klondike AGA: HAM8 deck of animal pics - (readme)
Blade_GermanLo.lha 1.0 game/data 797 14K 2001-04-17 generic icon Blade German Locale - (readme)
blah.lha game/data 1083 12M 2000-01-07 generic icon Blahbalicious - hilarious quake movie - (readme)
BlitzQuake_lit.lha game/data 1226 8.3M 2002-12-01 generic icon Lit files for ID maps - (readme)
BlitzQuake_sky.lha game/data 1007 2.8M 2002-12-01 generic icon Skyboxes for BlitzQuake distribution - (readme)
Blockoutlvs.lha game/data 737 8K 2001-02-09 generic icon Hard Levelset for Blockout,for hard guys - (readme)
BloodWarsMap.lha game/data 788 10K 1997-02-11 generic icon 1 Map for " BloodWars " - (readme)
Blox_Face.lha game/data 681 301K 1996-05-11 generic icon New set of BLOX levels - (readme)
Found 891 matching packages
1 >2< 3 4 5 ... 14 15 16 17 18
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