Ahost.lha |
0.9 |
comm/term |
6695 |
25K |
1987-10-24 |
Amiga ANSI terminal emulator. V0.9 - (readme) |
AmicTerm.lha |
0.50b |
comm/term |
6208 |
61K |
1987-06-30 |
New terminal program like \"comm\". V0.50b - (readme) |
AmigaDisplay.lha |
comm/term |
6219 |
32K |
1987-04-08 |
Terminal emulator based on AmigaTerm. - (readme) |
amigarip.lzh |
comm/term |
6331 |
144K |
1994-06-16 |
Amiga Rip Term. Req 2.0+. - (readme) |
amigaterm.lha |
comm/term |
6798 |
18K |
1987-12-25 |
Terminal emulation program with xmodem. - (readme) |
amigaterm_enh.lha |
1.2 |
comm/term |
5716 |
31K |
2021-04-26 |
1985 serial port ANSI Terminal, enhanced - (readme) |
AmiTEL310.lha |
comm/term |
5962 |
248K |
1997-09-17 |
Amitel - Minitel & Prestel Emulator v3.10 - (readme) |
AmTerm11.lha |
comm/term |
6797 |
130K |
1997-02-06 |
AmTerm - Fast ANSI/VT100/TTY terminal, uses MUI - (readme) |
AmTermPL.lha |
comm/term |
5910 |
3K |
1997-03-01 |
AmTerm - PL version by WFMH LocalePL - (readme) |
AmTGr.lha |
comm/term |
6001 |
22K |
1999-06-20 |
Unofficial greek translations for AmTerm & AmTelnet - (readme) |
ArgoTerm.lha |
0.20 |
comm/term |
6047 |
18K |
1987-02-23 |
A terminal emulator pgm in assembly. V0.20 - (readme) |
AutocallTerm.lha |
comm/term |
5855 |
6K |
1995-04-12 |
Automatic dialup for TERM - (readme) |
autoid11.lha |
comm/term |
5883 |
100K |
1995-08-25 |
AutoID-Checks files and IDs as they are d/l\'ed - (readme) |
AZComm.lha |
1.00 |
comm/term |
6279 |
36K |
1988-11-22 |
Modified version of comm with Zmodem. V1.00 - (readme) |
BoardList.lha |
comm/term |
5929 |
2K |
1996-11-17 |
Ncomm phonebook content lister - (readme) |
cgterm.lha |
1.7b2 |
comm/term |
6488 |
1.7M |
2005-06-01 |
CGTerm 1.7b2/OS4 - an SDL Telnet BBS C/G terminal - (readme) |
cterm.lzh |
comm/term |
5562 |
27K |
1992-09-06 |
Dialer demon to scan phone numbers - (readme) |
Dg210.lha |
comm/term |
5078 |
23K |
1987-10-24 |
Data General D-210 terminal emulator. - (readme) |
DisTerm.lha |
comm/term |
4953 |
45K |
1991-03-08 |
Comm pgm with autodial/phone-dir/macros - (readme) |
dreamterm150.lha |
1.50 |
comm/term |
5246 |
295K |
1996-04-28 |
Terminal program - (readme) |
DTerm.lha |
1.10 |
comm/term |
5291 |
27K |
1987-04-28 |
Small, flexible, terminal program. V1.10 - (readme) |
Handshake.lha |
2.20c |
comm/term |
5335 |
96K |
1991-02-02 |
VT52/VT100/VT102/VT220 term emul. V2.20c - (readme) |
hft38557.lha |
comm/term |
4797 |
11K |
1995-04-12 |
Wow! It\'s a new realease of HFT! - (readme) |
hydra.lha |
comm/term |
5140 |
150K |
1997-02-25 |
V1.0r9, Bidirectional file transfer protocol - (readme) |
hydracom.lha |
comm/term |
4997 |
150K |
1995-08-17 |
Bidirectional file xfer protocol, v1.0r6 - (readme) |
HydraRexx.lha |
comm/term |
4958 |
2K |
1994-10-10 |
Arexx-Script for using Hydracom with Term - (readme) |
jptc.lha |
comm/term |
5062 |
62K |
1994-02-01 |
BETA new 2.0 only terminal program - (readme) |
kermit188.lzh |
comm/term |
5412 |
223K |
1993-04-29 |
Amiga Kermit, based on Kermit 5A(188). - (readme) |
MEAGORComm.lha |
1.01 beta FIXED ARCHIVE |
comm/term |
4965 |
338K |
1996-12-10 |
MultiMedia Terminal Program FULLY FIXED! - (readme) |
meshugena_1.0.lzh |
comm/term |
4991 |
57K |
1993-02-05 |
A **VT220 terminal emulator - (readme) |
MHydra19.lha |
comm/term |
4921 |
59K |
1995-06-08 |
The best HydraCom for Amiga w. MUI! - (readme) |
MicroTerm.lha |
0.1 |
comm/term |
5038 |
10K |
1990-03-05 |
Very small and very simple terminal pgm. V0.1 - (readme) |
MoreBoredem.lha |
comm/term |
4733 |
36K |
1996-09-04 |
Exchange UUenc files and chat over null-modem cable - (readme) |
Mta_demo.lha |
comm/term |
4885 |
171K |
1995-02-03 |
Demo of the BEST Amy Videotext Terminal - (readme) |
MUI-HydraCom.lha |
comm/term |
4766 |
62K |
1996-05-30 |
Hydracom MUI 1.11 - (readme) |
nanoTerm3_0.lha |
comm/term |
4837 |
6K |
1994-11-16 |
Term program in assembly with source - (readme) |
NComm-Oz-Phone.lha |
comm/term |
4811 |
66K |
1992-10-02 |
Converts Oz BBS list to NComm phone book - (readme) |
ncomm30.lha |
comm/term |
7337 |
307K |
1993-10-05 |
NComm V3.0. Released the 1st of October 1993 - (readme) |
ncomm306.lha |
comm/term |
8896 |
128K |
1996-11-10 |
Ncomm 3.06 update. Keyfile needed. - (readme) |
NComm306PubKey.lha |
comm/term |
8072 |
1K |
1998-11-05 |
FREE KEY FILE for NComm 3.06 - (readme) |
NiftyTerm.lha |
1.2 |
comm/term |
5132 |
32K |
1991-05-30 |
An h19/VT102/VT52 emulator. V1.2 - (readme) |
pbview12.lha |
comm/term |
4811 |
16K |
1994-09-19 |
View NComm 3.0 phonebooks without - (readme) |
Pics2_0.lha |
comm/term |
4829 |
24K |
1995-01-04 |
Terminus script. Put txt Pics in Email - (readme) |
PLATOTermAmiga.adf |
0.5 |
comm/term |
4378 |
880K |
2019-06-17 |
Terminal program to access PLATO systems - (readme) |
ProTermRip_1.lha |
comm/term |
4834 |
34K |
1994-08-31 |
RIP terminal emulator ,needs ProTermRip_2.lha for fonts - (readme) |
ProTermRip_2.lha |
comm/term |
4767 |
66K |
1994-08-31 |
Fonts for ProTermRip_1.lha - (readme) |
pt-AmiTEL.lha |
comm/term |
4877 |
5K |
1999-05-02 |
Portuguese Catalog for AmiTEL V3.1 - (readme) |
RIPCOMMF21.lha |
comm/term |
4781 |
146K |
1994-10-17 |
RipComm version 0.21, RIP term program - (readme) |
SerialThing.lha |
1.0 |
comm/term |
3776 |
3.5M |
2019-03-15 |
Serial Terminal and Control Thing - (readme) |
SModem100-rev3.lha |
comm/term |
4825 |
29K |
1996-04-09 |
Amigaport of SModem (bidir ftp w/ chat) - (readme) |