Short:        Simple search/replace thing. With source.
Author: (Klaus Alexander Seistrup)
Uploader:     kas mink ping dk (Klaus Alexander Seistrup)
Type:         util/cli
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

	[-iinFile] [-ooutFile] <-ssearchStr> <-rreplaceStr> [-c] [-v]

	Very simple search/replace program. Replaces searchStr with replaceStr
	in inFile.

	-i	Optional input file (default: stdin)
	-o	Optional output file (default: stdout)
	-s	Mandatory search string
	-r	Mandatory replace string
	-c	Use case-sensitive search routine (default: case-insensitive)
	-v	Verbose (report number of successful search/replace)

	If the name of the input and the output files is the same, or if the
	name of the output file is "-", then inFile will be renamed as inFile~
	before conversion (note: any existing inFile~ will be deleted!) to

	Both searchStr and replaceStr can be given as strings or ASCII values.
	ASCII values can be given as octal, decimal or hexadecimal, prepended
	with a backslash. E.g., 'A':

		(OCT) \0101
		(DEC) \65
		(HEX) \0x41

······: Klaus :·······································: :······
··············: Magnetic Ink :··················································
····································: Soli Deo Gloria :·························


    »Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
     commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.«
                                                       (Ecclesiastes 12:13)