Short:        Saves *ALL* deleted files, not only from the WB
Author: (Denis Gounelle)
Uploader:     denis gounelle wanadoo fr (Denis Gounelle)
Type:         util/misc
Replaces:     util/misc/superdelete.*
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

NoDelete purpose is to offer a global thrashcan to the	system.  This  means
that when a file is asked to be deleted, it is moved to a special  directory
rather than being deleted, so giving you a chance to get back  the  data  if
you discover later that you need it.

Because NoDelete replaces the "delete" function of AmigaDOS,  it  will  work
for  ANY  delete  request,  from  ANY  program	you  use.  The	program   is
automatically declared as a Commodity, and also has an AREXX port.

NoDelete  is  fully  configurable and installation is very  easy:  you	just
have to copy the program in the WBStartup directory of your boot  partition,
and to check the program arguments.  Then  NoDelete  will  be  automatically
started next time you will boot your Amiga.

Changes for v1.20 :

- Added new MAXFILES argument
- Bug fixed: thrashcan cleanup didn't work in multiple-thrashcan mode

Changes for v1.10 :

- Creates the files in the trashcan with the same protection bits as the
  original files
- Removes a partially copied file in the trashcan, when the copy fails
- The length of XPATTERNS, LOGFILE and THRASHDIR arguments is now unlimited
  from NoDelete's point of vue (the Shell or the Workbench may have some
  limit here)
- Added a few precisions in the documentation