Short:        Control the Amige w/ a remote control
Uploader:     khe pcs dec com
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.10
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

IR-Slave V1.10

The ir-slave is the counterpart to the ir-master. With the ir-slave
you can control the Amiga with a remote control. First, some ir
commands must be learned to the slave. To each of the ir signals
you can assign a program/script/arexx-program to be launched when
the specific signal is received.

Example: You lie on your couch and you want to make your Amiga make
         a netcall. (provided that your (ir)slave is running and
         correctly configured...).
         You simply take your remote control and press a button -
         your Amiga obeys... :-)