Short:        Reboot utility. V1.11
Uploader:     GISBURN w-specht rhein-ruhr de
Type:         util/misc
Replaces:     util/misc/Reboot110.LhA
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Little reboot utility.


Main features include:
- WB multiselect support (e.g. project icons)
- Locale support (german, français and Croatia (hrvatski) catalogs included)
- Test mode
- Prefs using environment vars
- Verify requesters (GUI or Shell only)
- Reboot delay time
- Source + SMakefile included
- Small version of "Reboot" with only 124 bytes (for those people
  who says that the "Reboot" (4k) is too big...)


New for V1.11:
- Added Svenska catalog file written by Harry Samwel
  ( Thanx !

- Each function has now a short comment about it's job to do...

- Minor other code changes...

New for V1.10:
- Added Croatia (hrvatski) catalog file.
  Thanks to Sinisa Lolic (

- If a (required) shared library  cannot be opened,
  "Reboot" returns now ERROR_INVALID_RESIDENT_LIBRARY instead

- The NOGUI option is now on per default if requesters have been
  disabled in the current shell (e..g if (thisproc -> pr_WindowPtr)
  is -1L).

- Added "SmallReboot" project for those people who said that
  "Reboot" is too big.
  The small sister of "Reboot" is only ~124 bytes small and still
  includes a version string...

