Short:        OneFont-patching SetFont, better then WB FontPrefs
Author:       Zdenek Kabelac (
Uploader:     Zdenek Kabelac (kabi fi muni cz)
Type:         util/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

With this patch you can set your prefered font to almost any program.
Even the WB execute command window will use this font.
This program is really small one.
Documentation is in the source file - so don't forget to read it
You can modify this program as you wish.

Any comments, thanks to:
                                        @ @
 Remember: Silly is a state of Mind,                      Zdenek Kabelac
           Stupid is a way of Life.                         Policna 135      //
                                                    75701 Valasske Mezirici //
                                  Czech Republic \X/