Short:        Centre requesters 4 ways plus EasyKeys
Author:       Damien Stewart
Uploader:     damo_rules yahoo com
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.1
Replaces:     util/cdity/centrequest*
Requires:     KS37
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

CentreQuest has a mission. It's quest is to prevent those system requesters from always appearing 
religiously in the top, left hand corner of the screen. Yes, there are others that do it, but I don't like the 
way they hack into and replace the system routines with their own; and I don't like the look of some of 
them as well. Sure, some may be a little more animated the standard one, but all I want is it to appear in 
the centre of the screen or on the mouse pointer. CentreQuest achieves this plus more, and if it is all you 
want then this program has an avenue and my work has not been wasted on a fruitless endeavour. It also 
does try to do it in a system friendly way and unlike the others actually manages to retain most of the 
original system requester routines by working around it somewhat. That's the introduction, now lets get 
on with the quest!

New features in version 1.1

- New glow icon set for those using WB3.5+. This is backwards compatible.

- Now has a low start priority in case other programs clash if it is in your WBStartup.

- Major new feature: EasyKeys. Now to can press Escape to Cancel or Return to Okay.

- Safer. Now checks to see if other programs have patched the OS since CentreQuest did.

- Corrected errors and updated guide file.