Short:        V1.0 shared library to load/save thumbnails
Author: (Paul Huxham)
Uploader:     paulh mafeking scouts org au (Paul Huxham)
Type:         util/libs
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

For anyone who wants to create/use proof (thumbnail) files in their own
applications, this library makes it very easy.

proof.library is a shared library that can be used to create and maintain
small 'proof' sized versions of images. Proofs can be categorized with 4
groups and up to 22 categories per group. It can also store the original
image format, size and filesize information along with the proof. The
proofs are stored in a jpeg format (using jpeg.library - required, 68020
version included) and are fast and compact. As a bonus, photoalbum
thumbnails saved in the jpeg format can be read by proof.library.

Example programs included.

Currently proof.library is being used by PhotoFolio, the premiere thumbnail
generation/manipulation/viewing program - available at the web site below.

For the latest version of proof.library, versions of jpeg.library for
different CPUs and to check out other software I have written, check my
home page at:

© 1999 Paul Huxham