Short: New way to format strings (like in DOpus) Author: Wojciech Kocjan <> Uploader: Wojciech Kocjan <kocjan ka onet pl> Type: util/libs Version: 4.2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This library is intended to replace (not patch!) the exec/RawDoFmt() function by easier (for the user and developer). Instead of parsing only the type of field, you enter the string name (tag) and format optionally (defaults to %s). It uses RawDoFmt() for printf-like formatting of single string (tag). The format string can be anything and the application using newfmt.library will be able to select the characters responsible for beginning, slashing and ending of the tag. By default they are "{", "/" and "}". The tag consists of the following: {tag/format} ie. {f/s} {size/ld} | | | | | | | | | +--ending character | | | +-----formatting string (for RawDoFmt()) | | +---------shash character | +-----------tag name (up to 4 characters) +-------------beginning character or {tag} | | | | | +--ending character | +----tag name (up to 4 characters) +------beginning character beginning character - usually "{", set by application tag name - is the "tag" for searching for the value slash character - used when you want to enter the format format - RawDoFmt() format, for more info see autodocs ending character - usually "}", set by application.