Short:        Best startup selector available. V4.1.
Author: (Jani Salonen)
Uploader:     jani salonen pp inet fi (Jani Salonen)
Type:         util/boot
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

JPBoot's primary function is just a startup-selector. So, when you want to
use more than one startup-sequence file, this program allows you to do so.

Second, you can use password protection. At every startup JPBoot asks you
valid password, and if it gets one, it lets you to continue booting. There
you can use many different login-names and passwords. Also 'visitors' are
welcome, so other people without valid login and password can enter into
your computer with some restrictions. Normal users (not visitors) can be log
in either level 1 (root) or level 2 (normal user). Restrictions can also be
set for normal users.

This protection is NOT perfect in any way. Anyone who knows what he is doing
can easily hack his way through. This protection is just there to keep you
little sister away for you files. And maybe avoid accidents (at least I have
more than once wiped away half of my Workbench partition by accident, and
that is not fun, I can tell you).

And last, JPBoot offers you a VERY nice bootpicture, which will be displayed
during booting.

Unfortunately, bootpicture works only on machines with AGA chipset or above.

JPboot is not a hack of any kind. All functions works system-friendly, no
patches will be installed.