Short:        Speedup patch for 2.0/2.1/3.0/3.1 Amigas
Uploader:     art powertech no
Type:         util/boot
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: NoCD

                         fbl - fASTERblIT 6.6
                 Copyright (C) 1993,1994 Arthur Hagen
                          All rights reserved
       FreeWare - no payments or charges may be made whatsoever
        (This means that PD vendors and pay-boards should keep
       their hands off this product - no compilation disks with
       this program on may be distributed for charge, either.
                Sole exception from this rule:  Aminet)

This tiny program will speed up blitter processes just like FastBlit,
for any Amiga running 2.0 or above, but with a few additional bonuses.

Changes since version 6.0:
  Rewritten and optimised code.
