Short:        InfoBoot - The Ultimate System Info Program?
Author:       Edward Farrow (Infusion Developments)
Uploader:     Steve Hazell (steve unreal demon co uk)
Type:         util/boot
Version:      v1.24
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 ___        __       ____              _
|_ _|_ __  / _| ___ | __ )  ___   ___ | |_  InfoBoot v1.24
 | || '_ \| |_ / _ \|  _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| Copyright ©1996/7 Edward Farrow
 | || | | |  _| (_) | |_) | (_) | (_) | |_
|___|_| |_|_|  \___/|____/ \___/ \___/ \__| The Top Notch Bootup Program!

   InfoBoot is a CLI/Shell application that was designed to be used at the
bootup of your computer (however, there is no reason for not using it as a
standard utility).

   InfoBoot displays system information such as date, time (24+12 hour),
kickstart and display as well as other bits!

   Read the full documentation for further information on InfoBoot. InfoBoot


               *  Cosmetic Changes
               *  Re-wrote most routines
               *  Support For DraCo and A\Box
               *  DATA Module re-written
               *  Updated Documents and Installer Script