Short:        GUI for making assigns. V1.24
Author:       m.p.francis AT
Uploader:     Holger Hippenstiel nc-online de
Type:         util/boot
Version:      1.24
Replaces:     util/boot/AssignManager.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Aminet
Kurz:         Assigns per GUI verwalten

AssignManager V1.24

A prefs editor which handles your custom assigns in a friendly,
all-encompassing way. No more fiddling with Assign commands in
User-Startups. Now you can use AssignManager to edit your list
of assigns to your heart's content.

Author:  Matt Francis

Note from Uploader:
I used this tool since a long time and checked yesterday if
there is maybe a newer version and noticed there is only V1.00
in Aminet, probably due the data-loss some time ago.
So i refreshed the archive with a new reqtools.lib and Icons
and reupped it because this version got a lot of bugfixes.