Short: Ciasna St, Torun/Poland 786x1104 Author: not known Uploader: Tomasz Kepa (domel alf cc uni torun pl) Type: pix/views Architecture: generic This is the picture of Ciasna street, somewhere in Old Town =) Photo taken in Autumn, afternoon. ------- This is one of images picturing my home town, Torun. I found them on Torun BitNet (BTW it doesn't exist now...) and decided to put on AmiNet. I don't know the man who scanned photos. Some were taken by J. Klimek (you'll know which ones, there is a sign). All pictures are in GIF format. Some are very big (more than 740 kBs even!), so you won't be probably able to see them on A1200 with 2 MB of Chip RAM. Anyway, some really BIG pictures have smaller versions. Just read the readmes. If you like the images or found it useful, please send me a postcard picturing YOUR home town, or an image (by e-mail). Here are my adresses: Normal: E-mail: Tomasz Kepa ul. Stawisinskiego 4F/68 87-100 TORUN POLAND EUROPE Ah, here's a list of all images... (total: 62 files) artus.gif barbarka.gif fasada.gif harmonijka.gif jakub1.gif jakub2.gif jakub3.gif jakub4.gif jakub5.gif kamienice1.gif minerwa.gif gdanisko.gif baszta.gif barbarka2.gif brama.gif chelminska.gif ciasna1.gif ciasna2.gif jakub6.gif jan1.gif jan3.gif kamienice2.gif mury.gif nmp2.gif chelminska2.gif drzwi.gif garnizonowy.gif jakub7.gif jakub8.gif jan2.gif jezuici1.gif jezuici2.gif kaszczorek.gif kopernik-ul1.gif kopernik-ul2.gif ratusz2.gif domy.gif eskeni2.gif mury2.gif nmp1.gif nmp3.gif ratusz1.gif ruiny.gif teatr.gif teatr2.gif warszawska2.gif wieza2.gif zbor.gif eskeni1.gif eskeni3.gif jan4.gif krzywa.gif nmp4.gif panorama.gif ratusz3.gif stalles.gif warszawska1.gif wisla.gif zlotu1.gif zlotu2.gif arsenal.gif bank.gif