Short:        A rendered mountain animation (made with Tornado 3D v1.75)
Author: (Janne Pikkarainen)
Uploader:     jaba mbnet fi (Janne Pikkarainen)
Type:         pix/mpg
Architecture: generic

I was just testing my new Tornado 3D v1.75 update and the result is here.

Some info about the animation:
- Rendered with Standard quality, rendering time about 20 seconds per
  frame with 68060/50MHz.
- Mountain contains 3721 points, 7200 faces, 10920 edges and one surface.
- Volcanic eruptions (or whatever you want them to be) contains
  1800 particles each.
- Mountain texture was created with Tornado's new terrain-texture and
  clouds with Tornado's new cloud-texture.

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