Short:        Nice Flight Over Landscape (3 min anim)
Uploader:     tomas_garcia ccoperac ccmail compuserve com
Type:         pix/mpg
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

This is a mpeg conversion of a 3D VistaPro animation rendered in 736x482x24bits
using the DPS PAR (Personal Animation Recorder). It has been reduced to only
128x96 pixels (mpeg) to get a manageable file size. It should be played at 30fps.

Obviously it is not nearly good as the original, but it gives an idea...

Enjoy it.

Hardware used:  Amiga 4000 with CyberStorm060/50Mhz & 82 Mb RAM
                3.2 Gb HD + 1.3 Gb HD
                DPS Personal Animation Recorder with additional 3.2 Gb HD

Time spent:     Amiga running continuosly for a week.
		Me: A couple of hours.