Short:        Killer whale             160x120x148
Type:         pix/mpg/animals
Architecture: generic

The file KWHALE.ZIP contains three files.

        KWHALE.MPG  - an mpg movie file
        KWHALE.WAV  - the associated sound file
        KWHALE.FDR  - a frame directory file that accelerates random seeks

The MPEG was captured using Xing Technology, Inc's XingIt! real-time
MPEG video capture board. A demo version of Xing's software only MPEG 
player is available for ftp somewhere on this site. 
To download it from the Xing BBS or for more information call or fax at 
one of the numbers below:

                        Xing Technology, Inc.
                        1540 West Branch Street
                        Arroyo Grande, CA 93420  USA
                        Phone: (805) 473-0145
                        Fax:   (805) 473-0147
                        BBS:   (805) 473-2680