Short:        Frame of TREASURE HUNT animation =RRW=
Architecture: generic

                      ( TREASURE HUNT ANIMATION FRAME )

                              BY Randy R. Wall

             Copy Right 1993  Randy R. Wall  All rights reserved.

   I rendered this picture in Imagine 2.0. It is a 24 bit frame from the
   animation I did for the Amiga World Animation Contest of 1992. The 
   animation is one of the few that was accepted for the video tape
   "Amigamations" which is the 3rd annual tape of the series of tapes
   put out by the magazine.

   The animation took me three and a half months to complete from start to
   finish and was rendered in DCTV 3 bitplane format for speed. Since I do
   not have access to a frame by frame recorder and wanted the animation in
   video overscan, I had to use this format in order to achieve the frame
   rates I wanted for the animation.

   You can view the full animation as well as some other excellent
   animations by ordering the tape from Amiga World. And of course I would
   highly recemmend you do so! Then you can "Dive for sunken treasure in
   Treasure Hunt." just like thier advertisement says!

     If you have some neat IDEAS or would like me to produce graphics for 
     your software developement, multi-media projects or presentations
     contact me and maybe we can make some arangements that can make us
     both happy.

     CONTACT...... R.W. Illustrations or Randy Wall...ME!
                   13629 Yana Court
                   Magalia California 95954

      BBS's where I can be reached daily:

        DUCK OFF & FLY       916-899-9811   ( AMIGA SIG ) Randy Wall

        INFORMATION SOCIETY  916-872-3711   ( AMIGA SIG ) The Illustrator