Short:        Ham6 Anim of moon around gas giant
Uploader:     rknop cco caltech edu
Type:         gfx/anim
Architecture: generic


Yet another animation using the same ringed gas giant found in jup48ham8.anim7
(which, for historical reasons, I call "jup," although really it isn't too
terribly much like Jupiter).  In this one, there is a moon in a polar orbit.
The camera flies in a straight line from its initial position to meet the moon
after 1/2 an orbit below the south pole of the planet.  As with before, the
textures are very basic and not too exciting, but the whole effect is kinda
neat, IMHO.

This is 64 frame 320x200 HAM-6 animation, and should be playable on any Amiga.

-Rob Knop