Short:        CineMorph morphing demo animation
Architecture: generic

   This demo was created with GVP's new stand-alone morphing package
CineMorph(tm).  CineMorph(tm) features the ability to warp single images,
morph between two or more images, and even morph between moving sequences
of images, with an easy-to-use interface, extremely fast rendering times,
and the ability to output to a variety of formats (including direct
support for HAM-E, DCTV, and generating Op-5 ANIMs).  CineMorph(tm)
carries a suggested retail price of $149 and is available now.
   For more information on CineMorph(tm) contact Lawrence Ough at Great
Valley Products, Voice (215) 337-8770, Fax (215) 337-9922.