Short:        Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Genlock 1 Anim
Author: (Andreas Kuessner)
Uploader:     eksec eure de (Andreas Kuessner)
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic


This MPEG Animation shows one effect from the soon-to-come
Wildfire 7\PPC - Movieshop connection.

This effect may be used inside Movieshops timeline for your own
Animations. It contains one of the effects from the effect set
Number 3 called 3D Genlock.

Write an email to Andreas Küssner ( for more informations
about Wildfire7\PPC and/or the Movieshop connection.


Wildfire\7 Demo files:

biz/demo/Wildfire7_Demo.lha   ... Main files of the Demoversion

biz/demo/Wildfire7_PPC.lha    ... additional PPC files for PPC+68K, main
                                  files needed!

biz/demo/Wildfire7_3D.lha     ... additional 3D operators, main files

biz/demo/Wildfire7_3DF.lha    ... additional 3D Text Operator, main files

 * Requirements: MUI 3.8
                 68020 or better with FPU
                 min. 600x400 Pixel sized Screen
                 min. 8 MB RAM
