Short:        Animations by Steve of Berserkertools
Author:       Steve Viehweger
Uploader:     Martin Schulze (schulze phil uni-sb de)
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic

You like (or have) the name STEVE? I do it, both. That´s why I create
this animations of my name. If you like it, use it.

Remember its CardWare. Please send me a  p_i_c_t_u_r_e_postcard
(not your creditcard), if you like.

PS: I´m looking for Frank Miller-Comics and his fans. Please contact me.
I like to know wich comics he have written or will wrote. And I searching
for englich and german stuff (books, booklets, interviews, pix a.s.o.)
of him.

My Adress: Steve Viehweger
           Eibenbergerstrasse 7
           09235 Burkhardtsdorf

Save the Amiga.