Short:        Animation using the new BONES and KINEMATICS of IMAGINE V3.0
Author:       Frank Aalbers Boshovenstraat 63 2100 Deurne
Uploader:     cthulhu Belgium EU net
Type:         gfx/anim
Architecture: generic


After receiving my copy of IMAGINE 3.0 I must say that I'm extremely happy
with all the new options .
Yesterday I tried out the BONES and KINEMATICS features and they are just GREAT!

So I made a little animation in quarterscreen to show-off these new options .

It is just 51 frames and in Quarterscreen HAM . But that was enough to see how
wel the faces of an object deform through the bonesstructure .

Pay attention on the rubber joints I made ... it's just amaizing how they
deform the right way . Imagine :-) what jou could do with it ....
