Short:        Plays not-converted SIDs! V1.10
Author: (Mathias Roslund)
Uploader:     Mathias RoslundH961 stud hoe se (Mathias Roslund)
Type:         mus/play
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This SIDPlayer called SID-Searcher (v1.10) is capable of playing
more that 250 different types of SIDs without you having to convert
them first!


* PlaySID.library and 500Kb of free RAM

Supports the following:

* PSID - onefile
* PSID - twofile (icon)
* SIDPlay - twofile (*.sid and *.dat)
* Compute! - (*.mus)
* >250 not-converted SID-types (for example VoiceTracker,
  Future Composer vX.X and a lot of JCH:s players)