Short:        Contact:  Ambient Electronic Dance
Author:       B.C. (
Uploader:     Same as above
Type:         mods/mpg
Requires:     An MP3 player
Architecture: generic

B.C. presents the SECOND single from the "2000 B.C." album!

Name of this composition:  Contact
                   Style:  Ambient, Dance, Electronica
              Influences:  Enigma, Jan Hammer, Erasure

This one is very dark.  Creepy pad sunds, an eerie space whistle as the 
lead, a good driving straight ahead dance rhythm, weird percussion bits
thrown in, and a biting guitar synth at the end.  This is probably the
BEST track off my debut album!

Ths rack was originally composed in 1995, and a preliminary recording
exists (only at my house though!) ... it was done on my Atari ST and 
Steinberg-12.  When I came into new equipment (Amiga 1000 and the
Philips CD-Recorder) I felt an urge to remix this track ... and I think
I am pleased with the results!

The following equipment was used to record this MP3:

	* Korg Poly 800-II Analog Synthesizer
	* Kawai K1-II Digital Synthesizer
	* Yamaha DX-100 Digital Synthesizer
	* Alesis HR-16 Drum Machine
	* Amiga 1000 running Octamed 4.0
	* Atari 1040STfm running Steinberg 12 sequencer
	* Philips Home CD-Recorder

This track is available off the debut B.C. album, "2000 B.C." ... if
you like this track, consider purchasing the whole album for only
$6.99 (in US funds) ... the album is available at, and there are other selected tracks off
the album available for streaming or download.

Don't want to use your credit card?  Cool.  Send a check or money order
for $6.99 plus $2.49 shipping and handling ($4.00 if shipping overseas)

aegyptus records
P.O. Box 226
Corryton, TN 37721

Make all money orders payable to Bobby Clark.  You should receive your
CD in the mail within 4 business days.

This track is BEVERLYWARE!  To find out about who Beverly is, go to 
our website at  She's the love of my life,
she's 8000 miles away, and every CD purchase you make helps to bring 
us together again!

Stay tuned for more releases!!!