Short:        Symphonic rock by MindWalker - Mod ver
Uploader:     mindwalker mail telepac pt
Type:         mods/misc
Replaces:     mods/misc/Stairway.lha
Architecture: generic


  This is just a mod version of my previous mod. There are no major changes. Just a few commands 
  changed, and the module itself was converted from MED to Mod.
  I did this because many of my friends can't play MED's too well, so I made this for them. But 
  the main reason is to make the mod acessible to more reviewers on the Weekly Module Review
  group. Many of them can't play MED's properly, so this new Mod format will hopefully change
  things... and get more reviewers to review this mod :-)

  Check out also : mods/melodic/TheLastCry.lha 

  - A nice melodic tune, for your broken hearts out there ;-)

  - Rocking symphonic techno tune, with Pink Floyd like variations, and a piano rythm that 
    drives :-)

  More modules will be out soon. You can contact me for anything you like... even game and
  demo musics.

  Give me some comments at :
  Or Snail-mail me to :

  Joel "MindWalker" Alvim
  Urbanização das Amoreiras - Lote 6
  5100 Lamego

  As you have already guesses, email is preferable ;-)

             Mind Walker .....................................

                                signing off..............................................