Short:        Ska-blues-breakbeat music in 13/8
Author:       Bobby Clark
Uploader:     bobclark freenet scri fsu edu
Type:         mods/med
Replaces:     file13.lha, in mods/jungl
Requires:     OctamedPlayer 5.0, or something which can do MMD1 modules.
Architecture: generic

Oh dear, not another one ... :)

Name of this composition:  "File 13"
                   Style:  Ska, Blues, with a definite jungle breakbeat
              Influences:  Most definitely, the early 80's Ska revival
                           music of Great Britain.  Also, much of the
                           jungle-style breakbeat music out there which
                           I am just now discovering!

Well, I finally got brave enough, and thought I would try doing a breakbeat
jungle-style module.  I was at work one day, making pretzels, and this
melody just came to mind.  So I figured, I'd be different ant put this one
in an odd 13/8 rhythm.  I think it's quite addictive and bouncy!

Credits go to:  pANiK, who writes some cool breakbeat stuff!
                u4ia, and his Skaville U.K. mod, where I got the organ
                Skullsaw, well known for his odd rhythmed techno mods.
                Sekhmet, my online friend, for being a guinea pig and
                         test-driving this module.

So give it a spin, mail me: