Short:        Mexican-style breakbeat techno in 5/8
Author:       Bobby Clark
Uploader:     bobclark freenet scri fsu edu
Type:         mods/med
Requires:     A player capable of MMD1 MED modules.
Architecture: generic
Distribution: ¡Si, por favor!   (Yes, please!)

And now, a trip south of the border ...

Nombre de este composicion:  "El Cinco De Mayo" ("May the Fifth")
                    Estilo:  Tecno Mexicano, with breakbeats, guitars,
                             and a bit of acid thrown into the mix.
           Las Influencias:  Without a doubt, a lot of the breakbeat stuff
                             currently out ... specifically, pANiK's break-
                             beat jungle stuff.  I used a few of his bass
                             and breakbeat sounds too.

Well, this is one of my more bizarre experiments.  For some reason, I wanted
to see how well mexican guitar music blended with jungle techno music.
Well, I think the mix turned out VERY well.  It's a nice catchy little tune
with guitars, mariachi horns, castanets ... and the more familiar drum n
bass styles junglists all know and love.  Amd just for kicks, it's also in a
syncopated 5/8 meter.  

Muchas gracias, y creditos, a estes personas:

                        Jogeir Liljedahl, author of the Guitarslinger mod. I
                             used some of his acoustic guitar licks in this
                             composition ... the samples were very nicely
                        Colitis, for sending me the Guitarslinger mod.
                        pANiK, for the breakbeat samples and bass sounds.
                        Saraba, for playtesting and support.

¿Te gustas la musica?  I hope so ... mail me, por favor: