Short:        Quine McCluskey function resolver (MUI)
Author: (Thomas Schuerger)
Uploader:     schuerge studcs uni-sb de (Thomas Schuerger)
Type:         misc/sci
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  Quine 1.0 (11.5.97): FREEWARE

  Quine takes any binary function

  f: {0,1}  -> {0,1}    with n being the function depth

  and simplifies it using the Quine McCluskey method. Computer science
students will know what it's all about!

  It features a nice MUI GUI and "realtime" rendering. MUI 3.0+ required.
Values can be changed by doubleclicking on a line in the listview.

  Currently, a depth of 5 is maximum, because I encountered some strange
bugs when using depths >= 6 (perhaps a MUI problem?), I'll fix that ASAP.

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