Short:        Ttt - A simple Tic Tac Toe game written in SDL
Author: (Bill Kendrick), Morphos port by Fabrizio "Lanch" Bartoloni
Uploader:     lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Type:         game/think
Requires:     powerSDL.library
Architecture: ppc-morphos

ttt - A simple Tic Tac Toe game written in SDL

by Bill Kendrick

March 14, 2003 - March 14, 2003

  ttt is a very simple one- or two-player Tic Tac Toe game played using a mouse.
  It was developed in response to a request by Barbara Schaffer of the
  American Red Cross.  It is released as Free Software under the
  GNU General Public License.  (That is, it's Open Source.)  See COPYING.txt.

  ttt requires the Simple DirectMedia Layer library ("libSDL"), as well as
  the add-on audio library "SDL_Mixer".  See

  When you run the game, you'll see the "#"-shaped tic-tac-toe board
  and a pair of buttons on the right, labelled:
    'Human vs. Computer'


    'Human vs. Human'

  Click one of these buttons to begin.  At the bottom right, you'll notice
  it now says "X's Turn".

  Use the mouse pointer to choose a position on the game board, and click
  to place a piece.  The "turn" display at the bottom right will now read
  "O's Turn."

  In two-player mode ("Human vs. Human"), the other player must also use
  the mouse to place their piece.

  In one-player mode ("Human vs. Computer"), the computer will think for
  a moment, and then place its piece.

  The game cycles like this until it is over.  (See below)

Game Over
  The game ends either when someone wins (by getting three of their pieces
  in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), or when the
  board is full.

  If someone wins, a message will appear at the bottom right stating either
  "X WINS" or "O WINS!"

  If the game is a draw, it will say "A draw!"

  At this point, you can click one of the game-starting buttons at the right
  ("Human vs. Computer" or "Human vs. Human") to start a new game.

  To quit 'ttt', either press the [Escape] key on your keyboard, or click the
  'close' button on the window's titlebar.

  I hope you like it!  You can taylor 'ttt's look to fit your needs by
  changing the graphics (in the "images" directory) and sound effects
  (in the "sounds" directory).

  March 14th, 2003