Short:        Bring blocks of same colour together, so that they disappear.
Author:       Ulf Senèchal/Peter Annuß
Uploader:     Frank Weiss-Motz <gauss euv-frankfurt-o de>
Type:         game/think
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is the first release of our new mind-game. Subject is to bring, in a maze, blocks of same colour
together so that they are disapearing. This is Version V0.99b. New levels and a level-editor will
follow soon. The game is 100% written in Assembler. It features nice graphics/sounds as well as the
possibility to use own sounds while playing the game. This version is delivered with 40 levels which
will take you lot of time to solute them. Two difficulty-levels are included as well as a
password-system for continuing at the level you soluted last. 
For game-support write E-Mail to Frank Weiss-Motz <>. Also visit my Homepage
at .
For further questions or infos about new versions E-Mail me.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1233     585 52.5% 22-Feb-96 20:10:48
     516     309 40.1% 22-Jan-85 03:38:40 +file_id.diz
   26010    1891 92.7% 22-Feb-96 18:29:30 +collection1
  277060  255962  7.6% 03-Jan-80 17:02:08 +shift_it.exe
    1679     606 63.9% 22-Feb-96 20:10:48
    8498    3706 56.3% 22-Jan-85 03:23:32 +Shift_It.Guide
    1857     706 61.9% 22-Feb-96 20:10:46
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  316853  263765 16.7% 22-Feb-96 20:13:16   7 files