Short:        Multi-player draw-poker game. V1.4.1
Author: (Dave O'Brien)
Uploader:     dave obrien sybase com (Dave O\'Brien)
Type:         game/think
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Smoke'em Poker is a multi-opponent game of draw poker.
You play against five simulated opponents at once
(i.e. this is NOT video poker - blech!).

- easy-to-use graphic interface with key shortcuts
- configurable stakes
- simulated opponents (3 different skill levels)
- sound and speech options
- online statistics and graphing
- auto-play mode (sit out and watch the computer play itself)
- extensive AmigaGuide online help
- multi-tasking and system-friendly
- free!

Changes since v1.4:
- added a resource that I forgot in v1.4 (oops)

Changes since v1.3:
- added graph of winnings in stats window
- added keyboard shortcuts for most actions, including "smart" keys
- added option to automatically pre-select your discards
- improved card-sorting and discarding
- converted on-line help to AmigaGuide and added context-sensitive help
- no more annoying legal disclaimer window when starting up
- new sounds and improved speech
- many minor cosmetic improvements and bug fixes

Requires the following:
- Workbench 2.x or later
- at least 2 megs of memory (may require 3 megs (?))
- Workbench overscan setting of at least 704x240
- speech requires AmigaDOS speech software