Short:        An old mine sweeper game.
Author:       Sylvain Zangiacomi
Uploader:     amigazette toulon pacwan net (OFS)
Type:         game/think
Requires:     An amiga
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

'DĂ©mineur' is a french Amos 1.3 game with music, digits, hi-scores.
Tested on ROM 1.3 and 2.04 successfully.

Please, read the 'readme !' file before playing !

For any questions :
  Sylvain Zangiacomi
  21 chemin du crĂȘt
  69570 DARDILLY
  F R A N C E


Contact me, if you want source !

**** Try my other Amos Games like Snacky, Snacky Folies, Duelcity ****

           A M I G A   ForEver :-)