Short:        Small Dice Generator
Author:       Szymon Pura
Uploader:     Meecash/Thefect (meecash polbox com)
Type:         game/role
Version:      1.0
Requires:     KickStart 2.04+, MUI 3.3+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  MagicDice  has  been created to act as asubstitute for traditional dice
during  RPG  playing  sessions.   Of course, we don't mean computer games
like  AD&D  here  but  real role-playing games.  If you use also use your
Amiga for other purposes during sessions (f.e.  to make some notes), then
MagicDice will be quite a facility for you.

Readme created with ARC 1.6 - Copyright (c)1996-97 by Jens Weyer.