Short:        Alcatraz + 4 more great level for worms
Author: (Peder Lundberg)
Uploader:     byggarn algonet se (Peder Lundberg)
Type:         game/data
Architecture: generic

Levels for WORMS! by Peder "pi[[ar" Lundberg

"One of the 5 best levels I've seen"   Andy Davidson -The maker of the best game ever, commenting
level "The Rock" found in this archive.

Levels: The Rock- Alcatraz level inspired by the movie The Rock.
        Marne- WWI level
        Utahbeach- normandie 1944
        Omahabeach- normandie 1944
        x-mas- very good christmas level

These levels were made using dpaint4.  Using the stairs is done by going left-right to go down,
and jump to go up.

If you have any comments just mail me. **I'm looking for graphics work in games and such, if you
have a job for me, mail me.**

To install the levels, just copy them to your TWCUSTOM drawer (you knew this already =)


on IRC: pi[[ar